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The days came quick and soon it was the weekend.

Marianne tried to keep her excitement but her dorm mates immediately know what she was smiling about so early in the morning.

Everyone knows! Because of James' big mouth of course. "Have you heard? Peter is going out with Marianne this weekend." He told Lily in a middle of her usual scolding. Lily gawked and slowly walked away to Marlene who passed by them, "Marianne is going out with Peter!" she almost squealed. Marlene gasped audibly and pulled Alice who was waiting for them impatiently by the corner of the doors to Potions class, "Marianne and Peter are going on a date!"

and so it spread and spread like a dying match hitting a paper that floated on a puddle of gasoline.

Everyone chattered about it for a second or two. I mean, It's Peter and Marianne!

Everyone either found it odd or were thankful that those two finally saw to it that they would make a good couple.

She took a while to get dressed. But in the end she settled with just a white dress, and layered a sweater on top and thick tights to protect herself from the harsh cold weather as it has been raining since Thursday. Slipping into her doc martens, much to her pain and dread that she can't wear her comfy converse or it'll get dirty with mud, she grabbed her leather side bag and pulled out her lip balm, also checking if she's got what she needs (i.e candy, tissue, wallet with galleons, and yada yada basic girl stuff).

She looked at herself once more in the mirror, heart palpitating faster than ever. She grew nervous rather than excited. But she shrugged it off, she looked okay, and she had popped in a mint or two, so off she goes into the crowd of students also making their way to Hogsmaede.

She searched for the blonde she fell for in the crowd, on her tippy toes as the crowd just got even bigger, walking without a clue on where to meet Peter.

She pouts slightly, confused on where to go, they haven't really thought of what to do, just that they'll hang out with each other.

He too was looking around for the certain brunette. He couldn't stop thinking of today and her. He paced around his dorm earlier, checking himself out in the mirror every 4 seconds to see what's wrong with his outfit, he wanted to look good for her. Wearing a white collared long sleeves under a brown sweater. He wore a brown leather jacket and black trousers to protect himself from the cold.

He (stole) borrowed Sirius' cologne, spraying some in the air and cringing a bit at the musky scent, deciding to go against it and wear Remus's cinnamon and vanilla cologne instead.

He ruffled his hair slightly seeing if it suited him but he audibly groaned and combed it back instead.

And with one last, contented shrug, he grinned widely and headed his way to find Marianne.

It was like a movie, cheesy I know, but when Peter saw Marianne looking for him, their eyes locked for a second and it's like the world went slow mo as everyones faces blurred except for the two.

Marianne's worried face lit up to an excited grin and Peter chuckled to himself. Marianne jogged up to Peter who welcomed her in a side hug.

"Hi." She says, absolutely stunned on how good he looked. "Hi." he returned, breath taken away on how beautiful she is.

The two stumbled on their feet as they began to walk together to Hogsmaede, "You look- You look pretty lovely." He awkwardly stuttered. Marianne blushed and looked up to Peter, "You don't look bad yourself." she softly smiled.

He chuckled embarrassedly as he turned red, looking down on the moist pavement, it had just rained.

"Where'd you want to go?" He asked, wrapping and arm around her shoulders and she snuggled into his warm side as the cold wind hit her neck.

"Honeydukes?" she grinned looking over Peter's shoulders to see the enticing shop she loved since she was little.

"Honeydukes!" Peter softly chuckled, "I love the fizzing bonbons." He says, as they walked in, staring at the aisles in front of them. "Me too!" she exclaimed, eyes lit up as she looked at Peter who grinned for the thousandth time since he stepped foot in Hogwarts.

Love can really make you smile so much you grow numb to the aching of your cheeks.

Remus barked a warning at Sirius and James who planned on creating a chaos during Marianne and Peter's date.

"I'm telling you guys! Leave the poor kids alone." Remus grumbled. "Relax, Moony, we're just gonna check up on them alright?" Sirius scoffed.

"Yeah, I have a date with lovely Evans." James grinned. "In his day dreams, that is." Sirius snickers.

Wyatt was with them, and he rolled his eyes. "I wonder why Marianne likes Peter so much." he mumbled, making it hard for the three to doubt that he isn't in love with Marianne.

"Someone's jealous." James wiggled his eyebrows at Wyatt who sneered at him, "I'm not- Just, curious okay?" he huffed. "Yeah, whatever you say, poof." Sirius teasingly grinned at Wyatt. "Hey I'm no poof! I listen to Buddy Holly." Wyatt mumbled.

"Peter's actually nice, Wyatt. Have you tried being nice?" James sarcastically answered his first question. The three snickered and Wyatt looked like smoke was about to erupt from his nose and ears.

"Oh to hell with you three." Wyatt scoffed, scowling. "Already there, buddy holly." James winked.

The four found Marianne and Peter talking with themselves, munching on some peppermint chocolate.

Peter caught the grinning faces of Sirius and James and his face immediately dropped, rolling his head, Marianne furrowed her eyebrows, confused on what could've triggered that reaction from Peter.

Then she too caught the faces of Sirius, James, Remus and Wyatt.

Wyatt looked...well he had a scowl. Remus looked apologetic and the two... those two already always looks like trouble.

"Hiya, Peter, Marianne." Sirius wiggled his eyebrows. "Oh sod off, Padfoot." Peter mumbled.

"Have you guys kissed yet?" James asked, shoving his hands in his black leather bomber jacket, eyeing the two.

Marianne rolled her eyes at his question. Peter sighed, "What is it you guys want?"

"Nothing, just making sure you two have protection." Sirius chuckled.

Peter scowled at Sirius, sighing as he grabbed Marianne's wrist, walking away but without nodding and acknowledging Remus and Wyatt.

Marianne blushed and giggled, looking back at the James and Sirius with teasing smirks on their faces, she stuck out her tongue. Looking at Peter who just shook his head.

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