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Marianne snuggled next to Peter, his arms around her as they looked at each other and talked, in front of the fireplace.

The weight of the couch shifted, announcing someone had sat down on the other side.

Marianne and Peter turned their head to whoever sat next to them and saw Sirius sat down, hands flying behind his head, as he looked at the two.

Peter scowled and Sirius gave a smug look.

"Hello, Sirius." Marianne smiled, rolling her eyes playfully. "Oh, hello to you too, Marmalade. Didn't see that you two.." he looked at Peter and winked, "—were busy." he smiled at Marianne.

Shuffling was heard, the painting that served as their doorway opened and entered Remus with Wyatt.

Marianne frowned a bit but smiled their way.

Remus sitting down next to Sirius making Marianne drop her feet to touch the ground and moving closer to Peter, Wyatt awkwardly sat on the seat next to them, the seat was angled a bit.

James then came in, taking off his robes before plopping himself on top of Sirius and Remus.

"James!" the two groaned, earning a loud laugh from James and chuckles from Peter and Marianne.

Wyatt smiled and nods his head but he didn't contribute to the crowd.

"So! Holidays! What are our plans?" James grinned. "Remus?"

"I thought were gonna stay at Hogwarts." Remus shrugged, pushing James up. He did move out of Remus and Sirius lap, so he sat on the arm of the sofa instead.


"Wherever you guys go, of course." He rolled his eyes.


"Oh— uhm, I was planning with my family." she smiled sheepishly.

James nods and looked at Peter who shrugged, "Wherever."

"And Wyatt?" James points at Wyatt.

Wyatt snapped his head up and stammered, shaking his head, "Home."

James placed a finger on his chin, to mock thinking.

Marianne spoke up however, "You guys can spend the holidays at ours." she said quickly.

Their heads all turned to look at her and she shrugged, "My mum would love to meet you all."

"You've been writing to your mum about us?" Sirius beamed.

"Well, you are my friends."

The boys all grinned widely and cheered.

"So holidays is at Marmalades this year? Sweet, hey don't you live in the muggle world?" Sirius asked.

Marianne smiled and nodded, "Yeah, makes it fun don't it?"

The boys all cheered and nodded in agreement.

"Well, that's that, I've got potions homework." Remus stood up, grabbing his stuff. "Oh me too." Sirius grinned following after, "James?" he asked looking back.

James nods, "I'll be there, I've just gotta sort something out with Professor Dumbledore."

"Aw what's it you've done this time?"
"Nothing, he just said he wanted to talk to me.." James answered, getting up and walking out.

So it was just Peter, Marianne and Wyatt, the three awkwardly sat together, tension strong between the three.

Peter nods and shuffled to get up, kissing Marianne's forehead, "I've got an essay to begin, I'll see you later." he smiled softly.

Marianne nods, holding his hand that cupped her face for a bit before he slipped away and he walked back to his dorm.

"So.." Wyatt winced.

"Hello." Marianne squeaked.  Wyatt nods and pursed his lips into a thin line.

"I'm sorry."
"I apologise-"

the two blurted together.

"oh, uhm." Marianne chuckled. "You go first."

Wyatt smiled weakly, "Marianne, I'm sorry about my reactions. I didn't mean to react like that, but it's just felt like you've been replacing me." he sighed.

"I apologise if I ever made you feel like you aren't my best friend anymore Wyatt." Marianne smiled weakly, "I love Peter, you know that, but you'll always be my best friend."

Wyatt felt his heart ache, he was only her best friend, but its better than nothing.

"How have you been?" Wyatt chuckled.


"Oh I'll miss Hogwarts." Sirius said, sighing dramatically.

"Get in the cabin, Padfoot!" James whined.

"Let me have my moment!"
"It's just two weeks, Padfoot don't be dramatic."
"Not you too, Moony!!"
"Merlins, we'll leave you out here!"
"Don't be like that Grumps."

The four bickered, Marianne was to join them but Peter pulled her back and entered a different cabin.

"Oh, Hello." she giggled, "What's this about?"

Peter nervously smiled, wiping his sweaty palms on his trousers as he gulped.

"Uhm, Marianne?"


Peter inhaled, preparing himself, Marianne was quite nervous, whatever he was gonna say scares her if it has gotten him to react like this.

"I've liked you since our bump in year 3, and ever since I saw to it I'm in love with you, and I love your rambles about the creatures that lowkey creeps me out—" he chuckled, "erm— i love your smile, and— and how you light up when they're serving your favourite, strawberry cheesecake as dessert and i just... i love everything about you.

  And it shocks me so much you would give me a chance, It shocked me so much when you expressed the same feelings and I'm not disappointed of course— have I apologised for how we began to talk— I'm so sorry thats how we have gotten to know each other but at- atleast its better than nothing and—"

Marianne laughed softly, "Peter you're losing me."

"Oh I'm sorry." he laughed nervously.

"Erm— I'm just— What I'm saying is that I love you, okay?." He smiled so sweetly at her she got a tooth ache, "Okay." she smiled just as sweetly back, "So, erm— I— will you be my girlfriend?"

Marianne eyes lit up and she giggled, nodding her head. He chuckled as he turned red and immediately leaned down to kiss her. The train suddenly began to move and their kiss was interrupted by a flash from a camera.

The nervously turned their head to see James holding a polaroid camera, whistling, Sirius and Remus grinned ever so widely and Wyatt giving a small smile.

"There you guys are! Sorry we disturbed your snogging. Congrats by the way." Sirius winked,
"How long have you guys been watching? Merlins can't we have our privacy!" Peter frowned.

footnote: sorry it took to long to update the fic, heres two updates as a sorry, we were travelling

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