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Diner at the Pfiffier's are quiet, but comfortable, well except for tonight.

Mrs. Pfiffier, or Maisie, was a very petite lady, with dyed blonde hair in an almost Princess Diana hairstyle, and it stays like that no matter how much she moved. She looked a lot like Marianne, they had the same eyes and shy smile, but unlike Marianne, Maisie was half deaf, she can't hear from her left ear, which made dinner conversation awkward.

The clinking of glasses, and utensils on the beautiful yellow-beige ceramics for plates was the only noise in the kitchen, Maisie would ask occasionally some questions, but would mishear their answers.

"So, Peter, have you been treating my sweet angel kindly?" she'd teased. Peter would turn pink, earning snickers from James and Sirius while Wyatt rolled his eyes, "Marianne's a wonderful girl, Mrs Pfiffier, she deserves the world." Peter would smile back. "She deserves the cold?" Mrs Pfiffier frowned. The snickers from James and Sirius got louder and the table shook from Remus kicking the two in their shins to quiet to them down, accompanied with a glare. "No! I meant, the cold!" Peter raised his voice slightly. "—! No, I meant the WORLD!" he turned red by now seeing as he messed up embarrassingly.

By that point, Potter and Black had burst into fits of chuckles, Mr Pfiffier just scoff with amusement as he finished his peas, Wyatt groaned and Marianne giggled, patting Peter's shoulders.

Maisie just smiled and nodded, "you bet she deserves the world!"

After dinner, Marianne and her friends had suggested to do the dishes together but were already being pushed out the kitchen with a tray of biscuits and cookies for tea, "No, no, you are my guest! I should be tidying up!" Maisie said sternly. "But mum, its the least we can do." Marianne frowned, "No, No."

The group sat around the coffee table and ate their cookies peacefully, sharing stories. Marianne had excused herself as the group got into discussions about whether sled boarding and skiing were just the same fun, Peter had followed shortly.

"Marianne?" he called out softly to Marianne who stood by the entrance to the kitchen , "Peter! You scared me." she gasped then laughed.

He just smiled and said a quiet sorry, "Want more biscuits?" Marianne asked, turning back on her feet to grab more biscuits from the cupboard. "you're already sweet enough for me." peter flirted but turned pink when Marianne giggled at it, it was soo cheesy!

"Oh Peter," Marianne shakes her head. Peter snaked an arm around her waist and hugged her from the back as she opened a new packet of biscuits to refill the plate on top of the coffee table. He swayed a little causing to bring Marianne too sway with him and she chuckled, looking at Peter who rested his chin on her shoulder.

She turned her head more and kissed his nose, he scrunched it and giggled as he pulls away from her and twirl her, she then laughed and was pulled back into his embrace as he swayed more, humming. Marianne stared at his beautiful face, he looked genuine, and he was glowing. He was so beautiful. Her eyes fell onto his lips and slowly pushed herself closer and kissed it. He had kissed back and stopped swaying to hold her closer to him.

It was heaven. The kiss was heaven. Peter wished they could stay like that forever, "stop snogging every 5 minutes! get a room!" Wyatt walked in, a sneer on his face as he push himself  pass Marianne to grab the plate of biscuits, before walking out with a mouthful of the biscuits as if he didn't ruin a moment— he knew he did and he was proud of it— Peter sighed and just smiled at Marianne's frown as she watched Wyatt waltz away.

"Heres some blankets," Marianne passed to Remus, "Good night you three." She waved to Peter, Remus and Sirius who slept at the guest room(Remus got the top bunk, Peter with the bottom and Sirius will be sleeping on an air mattress). As soon as the door closed, the boys got comfy with their bed as they tried to close their eyes and fall asleep so they can wake up early and wake up to the snow to go sledding.

Its been 20 minutes and Sirius had already begun to snore while Remus glared at Sirius from above, annoyed with the snoring.

Peter had closed his eyes and began to settle his breathing, ready to sleep. But he just couldn't. He kept hearing someone call out his name, but there was nothing. He furrowed his eyebrows and turned to his right, he shuts his eyes and tried to sleep. It wasn't Sirius's snoring keeping him up. It was the voices with the wind, he couldn't decipher what they were saying but they were calling for him, he thought it was just the sound winds often make—you know how they whistle through branches, but he listened closely and he can hear his name being whispered.

But his eyelids just got heavier the more he paid attention to it. Suddenly he opened his eyes to go drink some water after feeling his throat feel dryer than a desert just right after he felt comfortable with his blanket cosy wrapped around him in the perfect temperature to sleep in. He got up and slowly and quietly opened the door and tip-toed down to the kitchen to grab a glass of water.

And there it was again, the voices. He's gone crazy, he thought, thats just the wind! But the voice just got louder and louder and easier to understand. "Peter!" it yelled and he flinched, knocking down the glass but not hard to break it as he fumbled and turned around, leaning onto the counter top as his heart began to race. "What do you want!" he demanded.

He knew the voice, and who it belonged o exactly. "Leave me alone." he begged.

he's been having nightmares, hes been hearing his voice, at first it was quiet, so quiet he would shrug it off as just him hearing things but then it got louder, then he started to appear to him in his dreams. he never told anyone, it scared him enough, how else will others react? he doesnt wanna create a fuss.

"Peter..." it said, almost in a teasing manner. "Peter..." he gasped, he fumbled and he was freaking the fuck out. "Peter..."

"Peter?...Peter!" Marianne snapped her fingers, her heart laced with fear and ached in fear as Peter gasped for air, his eyes immediately snapped to face her eyes and relief washed over his face. "What in Merlins name, Peter! Are you okay?!" Marianne grabbed him by the shoulders and hugged him, pushing away to look at his face, it was slowly return back to his normal expression rather than the freaky one she head caught him wearing earlier.

"Yeah..yeah im sorry if i woke you up." Peter sighed, shaking his head. Marianne raised an eyebrow before nodding, "its fine, you're fine." she kissed his cheeks. "are you sure you're okay, you looked...scary." she chuckled nervously. Peter grabbed the hands that cupped his face and nodded, smilin weakly at Marianne, "I promise, i just dropped the glads and thought i broke it."

Marianne looked over his shoulder and saw the glass tipped over and looked back at Peter, unsure by she believed him, why else would he lie? He smiled and kissed her forehead, "lets go to bed already." he whined. "im sleepy."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2022 ⏰

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