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Marianne thought of Peter. And how he and her first met.

Year 3. Marianne ran frantically to Herbology, afraid of being late for the very first time, but she wasn't looking where she was going and ended up bumping into a boy. Once more, cheesy as it sounds, when she looked up to see the nervous sorries coming from the person she had bumped into, everything went slow mo. He was the cutest, a bit chubby guy she's ever laid eyes on. His blue gorgeous eyes and awkwardly blonde locks matched perfectly with his soft weak smile.

She thought of it, then the Hogsmaede date a week ago, the awkward cream moustache he had as he sipped on his butterbeer and him wiping off the cream from the corner of her lips, running in the rain, laughing and shivering in the cold. Their love for fizzing bonbons and the bet on who could finish a box first, ended up in a laughing fit because he won but ended up getting sick after. And the jacket, his sweet gesture on giving her the jacket that failed to protect her from getting a cold yet just added more to the factor that he cares for her.

And the cream soup he picked for her from the array of soup being served, guessing correctly it was her favourite and sitting together in comfortable silence till she fell asleep when she was sick 4 days ago.

She smiled at the group, embarrassed to say, but said it anyway, "Well, I thought about when I met Peter and got to know him." she said almost un-audible but everyone heard it.

James and Sirius began to tease Peter about it and Remus just pats her shoulder with a smile.

Wyatt tried to be happy for her this time but he just couldn't, his best friend of 5 years! Who he shared equally happy memories with longer than Peter but she seemed to forgot. It angered him. Pissed him off.

"Excuse me." he grumbled, grabbing his book bag before walking away from the group. They all watched him disappear to the campus, confused look in their faces.

Marianne however, scowled. There he is again and his bloody outbursts!

"What's the matter with him?"

He should be atleast a tad happy but he just can't bring himself to.

It was hitting him harder than wanted. Merlins, Marianne loved another and when he was certain it was him, it would only be possible in a different universe.


"Huh, what do you think is wrong with him?" James looked at the group.

Marianne scowled but shrugged it off, deciding it was not her place to assume his feelings and tell it to the group, in fact she has decided to confront Wyatt about it soon.

"Marianne?" Peter called quietly, "walk with me back to the common room?"

Marianne's features softened when she looked up to Peter, nodding and softly smiling.

The two bid their goodbyes to their friends and on the way, Marianne felt the need to share to Peter about Wyatt.

"Wyatt, has been off." she sighed. "We could tell." he snickered.

"He's been like that since we've started talking..." she sighed. "Maybe he's just scared of the change, you know?" Peter weakly smiled. "Yeah, I guess so too." Marianne exhaled.

"But, it's still worrying you know? It's been almost a month or two and he's still-"

"I know, Marianne. But maybe it takes time for him to adjust. Give him some space then talk to him."

Marianne looked up, lips parting, "I don't know what I'd do without you Peter." she chuckled, shaking her head.

He scoffed and waved his hand, "Flattery brings you nowhere, Pfiffier."

"Can I kiss you Peter?"

Peter froze, looking down at Marianne who's eyes widened, now realising what she had said.

"Oh- I'm sorry- that was too soon isn't it?-"

But she was cut off, Peter softly brushing their lips together, her breath hitched and she did the honour of connecting their lips.

The kiss was everything she wished it to be. Soft, loving, passionate. She raised herself onto her tippy toes, as he kissed her deeply, resting a hands on her hip and the other caressing her cheeks as he straightened up a bit.

She cupped his face, seeing stars as she felt fireworks explode in her tummy.

The kiss lasted for more seconds than expected before the pulled away.

Marianne still on her tippy toes and now both Peter's hands rest on her hips.

"Wow.." she giggled, still star struck they just kissed.

Peter would be lying if he said he hadn't been waiting to kiss her. And it made him even giddier that she asked and did the move first to kiss.

He grinned and kissed her once more, she yelped but smiled into the kiss, kissing back.

He pulled away from her lips and began to place excited and happy kisses on her cheeks and jawline. It tickled her a bit and she laughed softly.

"Pfft- This is the third time! Get a room!" Sirius yelled.

Peter and Marianne's head snapped to the three of the marauders walking their way.

Peter scowled and Marianne blushed furiously as she pulled away, but his arm snakes its way around her waist.

"Piss off, Black." Peter smirked smugly, "I'm finally getting some action."

Marianne laughed and hit his chest softly, earning an exaggerated, "ow!" from Peter who dramatically placed his free hand on his heart, acting as if he's been stabbed.

"Look, not only did Peter get kissed, he also got a sense of humor!"

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