Bus stop & Form Class

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Lydia's POV:

I walked to the bus stop and there was a group of boys & girls,they looked like the 'popular' people so I stood back a bit.

I put in my earphones and one of the boys shuffled closer to me,not away from the group though.

I looked up and caught him staring at me,he had bright blue eyes and perfect dirty blonde hair. He gave me a little smile & I did the same back.

"*cough cough* the bus is here" a voice said

Me & the boy got snapped out of our little world and I stepped onto the bus.

I got a seat near to the back but not too close as the 'popular' people were practically invading the back of the bus.

After about 15 minutes on the bus we arrived at the school,it was a huge building with big black metal gates. It looked very posh,too posh in fact.

I stood back and admired it a bit;I literally had no idea where I was going.

The bell then rang and I followed a group of people through the entrance and waited by the office for a teacher.

A blonde haired woman then opened the glass slide and put on her glasses,she held a coffee mug in her hand and took a little sip.

"Can I help you?" She asked giving me a little smile

"Urm yea,I'm new here and I came to collect my planner & timetable" I stated nervously

"Ah yes,Lydia? Lydia Francis?" She questioned

"Yes" I smiled

She handed me a planner and timetable,she took another sip of her coffee and typed on her keyboard.

"Your in form class 12DH,just up the stairs down the English corridor and its the 3rd room" she said as her coffee breath hit me.

I gave a little weak smile & nodded then walked up the stairs.

I quietly knocked on the door and the teacher told me to come in,her name was Miss Harris. She was a very lovely teacher and had shortish brown hair.

As I walked in the noise off everyone died down and their eyes all got drawn onto me.

I smiled nervously at them and looked back at Miss Harris

"I know what its like being the 'new kid' but honestly their a lovely bunch of kids,expect from the girls in the corner. Just ignore them,they think they rule the school" she whispered to me while giving me a reassuring wink.

I then smiled at her and took a seat at the back in the corner of the classroom.

I was looking through my planner when a shadow sat next to me.

I looked up and it was the boy from this morning,he looked very familiar though.

"Hi" he said

"Hi" I replied

"Oi get in there Charlie!" One of his friends shouted

Charlie? That name sounded familiar too? Maybe it was just my mind planning tricks on me?

"Sooo what's your name?" He asked

"Lydia" I replied

"Charlie...Charlie Lenehan" he said while putting his hand out to greet me.

Oh.my.god. Charlie,Charlie was my bestfriend since nursery but then he moved away in year 3 and haven't seen him since.

Charlie's POV:

The girl that was at the bus stop morning walked into our form class.

"Oi she's fit" James whispered to me

I lightly slapped his knee

"Yeah well I saw her first so piss off" I whispered back

Her soft long hair fell down her back and her hips swayed as she walked to her seat. God she was so perfect,she did look familiar though.

I went over to her and introduced myself;

"Sooo what's your name?" I asked

"Lydia" she smiled

Lydia. I swear to god I know her from somewhere but where?

I nodded my head and the bell went for first lesson.

"See you around" I said while getting up and leaving

She smiled and gave me a little wave goodbye.

Lydia's POV:

"See you around" Charlie said

Clearly he didn't want to be friends then did he? He would of offered to walk me to lessons otherwise. Ugh that upset me so much,although I'm not good enough to be his 'friend'.

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