Old Friends

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Lydia's POV:

"What is it?" Charlie looked concerned

"Well urm remember when before you left in year 3 that you made me a promise we would see each other again and you gave me that necklace and you kept the other half?" I said while pulling the necklace out of my T-shirt.

"Lydia" he whispered as tears filled up in his eyes

He gave me a huge hug and didn't let go

"I promise I'll never ever leave you ever again,I promise" he whispered into my ear.

30 minutes later*

After catching up with Charlie we decided to order pizza because we were hungry and Karen (Charlie's mum) was out and Charlie couldn't be bothered to cook.

Finally after 40 minutes our pizza arrived and we ran upstairs to eat it.

"Can you play?" Charlie asked while picking up his spare x-box controller.

"Not really" I sighed

"Do you want to change into something more comfortable?" Charlie asked me while getting up and going through his draws

He pulled out a grey T-shirt and threw it at me,I went into the bathroom and changed.

"Charlie its like a dress on me" I said while walking out of the bathroom and into his room.

Charlie's POV:

"Charlie its like a dress on me" Lydia said while walking in my room.

I looked up from my phone and stared at her,god she was so so beautiful.

She put her clothes at the end of my bed and sat next to me,I handed her the controller and she just stared at it.

Lydia's POV:

Charlie handed me the controller and I had no idea what I was doing.

"I don't know what to do" I whispered to Charlie

"Awww aha!" He laughed

"Come and sit here and I'll show you" he said patting the empty space between his legs.

I shuffled and sat in between his legs and he showed me how to shoot, pass the ball etc.

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