Back to School

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Charlie's POV:

I woke up,got out of bed and done my usual school morning routine that I've done for god knows how many years.

I then walked to school with Dan,James & Will and we met up with Leo and a few other boys and sat in our usual spot.

Lydia's POV:

I walked through the school gates and had a few glares off some of the girls in my year but I just ignored them.

"Charlie's too good for her" someone whispered

That hurt a lot. I try to ignore the hate but its hard,you know its there 24/7,people glaring,people making horrible comments.

I held back the tears and walked over to Charlie & his friends.

"Morning" I whispered to everyone

"Morning Lyd'" they replied while looking up from their phones

"Morning" Charlie said pulling me into his big strong arms the smell of his aftershave filled my nostrils and made me smile.

"Morning" I whispered into his jacket still smiling


I sat down in English and listened to the teacher babble on about the exam and how we need to all aim for a B or A* . that's when I overheard one of Charlie's girl friends saying she was going to prom with him?

What? I thought I was going with him?

I shot up my hand and ask the teacher if I could go to the toilet.

Tears started to fill up my eyes and I quickly ran to the toilets.

Maybe the girls were right,I'm not good enough for Charlie? Charlie was way too good for me. This is why he doesn't want to go to prom with me because I'd probably put him to shame and he'd much rather go to prom with someone prettier than me.

I sat in the cubicle and quietly sobbed to myself when I heard a voice

"Are you alright?" They asked

"Mmh y-yep" I managed to stutter out

"No you're not,open the door" they said

Ugh I really didn't want to talk to anyone right now.

I quietly opened the door and peeped my head around it. Stood there was a girl who looked like a year 10,she had long blonde hair and big blue eyes,she looked new here as i hadnt seen her around before.

She blinked at me with her big blue eyes and held out her hand to help me out of the cubicle.

"Oh my god" she whispered

"What?" I asked

"'re-e C-Charlie Lenehan's g-girlfriend" she stuttered in shock.

"Yeahhh" I replied not sure as to what was going to happen next.

"I'm Maisy,I just moved here with my Brother Bailey" she exclaimed.

"Hi I'm Lydia but you can call me Lyd" I said

"I know silly" she laughed

Oh right.

After I cleaned up my face I walked Maisy to her class and then I walked back to my class as the teacher was probably wondering where I was.

"Lydia,Where have you been?" Miss Morris asked

"Someone was lost so I walked them to their class" I said trying not to sound like I had been crying.

"I'll see you at the end" she said pointing me to my seat

Finally after an hour of torture the lesson finally finished,everyone left and I was still slumped in my chair.

"Lyd? What's wrong? I could tell you were crying" Miss Morris said sitting on my desk.

"Mmh nothing miss" I bowed my head

"If there is you know you can tell me right? I won't tell anyone else?" She said looking down at me

I nodded my head and got up and left the room.

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