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Charlie's POV:

I was sat on the field when Lydia still hasn't turned up to where we usually sit with everyone?

Where was she?

Lydia's POV:

I was walking on my way to the field to meet Charlie,Leondre,Will,Dan & a few others when I bumped into someone.

I looked up at him as he was quite tall,he had dirty blonde hair and piercing blue eyes. He was also very tall and muscular.

"Hi I'm Bailey McConnell" he said in his cute Milton Keynes accent.

"Oh hi I'm Lydia" I smiled

"Nice to meet you Lydia" Bailey said putting his hand out for me to shake.

"Sooo would you like to come with me & meet my friends and boyfriend?" I asked politely

"You have a boyfriend?" Bailey looked disappointed which made me blush a bit.

"Urm yeah" I said unsure as to what was going to happen next.

We walked up to the field and I got to know Bailey a little bit better.

Charlie's POV:

Finally I could see Lydia walking up to the field in the distance but she was with someone else,a boy!!

Who the hell was he!?

I tensed up a bit and Lydia came running over to me and threw out her arms to hug me. The boy walked closer and that's when I realized it was Bailey! Me & Bailey had been close since we were about 5/6 and I haven't really seen him over the past year because we've both been on tours and just work stuff.

Lydia's POV:

"Ooh so this is your boyfriend" Bailey said

"Yeah,this is-" I got paused

"Yeah Charlie,we used to be close" he said shaking Charlie's hand

"How are you Bail?" Charlie asked him while pulling him into a bro hug.

We all then sat down and I ate my lunch and drank my juice while everyone else talked amongst themselves.

"Charlieee" a girly voice called from the opposite side from the field.

Ugh it was Alissa,Charlie's closest girl friend. (The one who's apparently going to prom with him).

I sort of sighed and looked over to Charlie who was already staring at me.

Alissa then came running over to us and sat very very close to Charlie

"So we're still going to prom?" She said fluttering her mascara clumped eyelashes at him.

"Listen,all of that was a dare. I don't want to go to prom with you,we're just friends" Charlie sighed

"Yeah 'just friends'" she said winking and nudging him,which made the rest of the boys giggle a bit.

This really pissed me off so I picked up my bag and walked off,I didn't know where I just walked.

"What's her problem" Alissa said to Charlie

"No what's your problem,why did you have to say that? Please go away" Charlie replied while getting up and chasing me.

I felt a strong pair of arms tie around my waist and my feet came off the floor and I was spun around. I was then put back down and Charlie turned me to face him.

He lightly pouted at me with a sad look on his face

"Please ignore her" he said still pouting

"I try to Charlie but its hard I-"

I was then cut of what I was saying as Charlie kissed me he then pulled back and smiled at me.

"Come over mine at 7:00pm" he said kissing me again and dragging me back up to our spot with everyone else.

Because Calum was home from work for a few days I was going to be sleeping at my house to keep him company. That's why Charlie said to meet him at his house because I was going to be staying at my house for a few days.

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