twenty three

44 0 6


We were going out clubbing tonight at I still hadn't heard from Calum.
Megan was staying in the house with me while Calum was gone.

I hung up after trying to ring him again but her didn't answer.I sighed and threw the phone on the bed.

"Don't get yourself down over it"Megan said carrying two glasses which I knew contained alcohol.
"Why isn't he answering my calls "I said.
"Maybye he's busy"
"But he's been busy for 24 hours "
"You've seen it yourself ,being on the road is busy"she said.
"I'm just scared Megan that what happens last time will happen again"
"It won't because this time Calum knows you love him and you know that he loves you"She said.
I just looked at her.
"You'd be surprised how strong love is"she said taking a sip of her drink.
"Whatever let's just get drunk"I said.

We were waiting for a taxi to arrive and I was looking through my pictures and I found the one of me and Calum before we went to the party.

I smiled and opened instagram and posted the picture .
I captioned it with "Throwback to when I went to a party with this freak".
I heard a beep so I followed Megan into the taxi after locking the door.
"Where too"the taxi driver asked.
"Bijoux"I said .(A/N if you know where this is from your awesome )
He nodded and took off.
"Still upset about Calum"Megan asked.
"What do you think "
"I'll take that as a yes"

The rest of the journey was silent until we arrived at the club.
"Shit"I said.
Megan looked up from her phone and looked at me.
"Papparazi"I said.
She looked out the window and shrugged.
"Let's go then"

We payed the taxi driver and hopped out.
I held onto Megan's hand and we walked in through the crowd together.
"Did you and Calum split up"
"Are you and Calum engaged"
"Are you pregnant"were only some of the questions they asked.
We walked up to the door and the security guard let us in.
When we walked past him he stopped me.
"Ms.Mota do you need an escort to the VIP section"he said.
"Put my name on the list"
Me and Megan walked into the club and found Troy at the bar with his friend David.
Megan automatically ran over to Troy and they started kissing.
"Two sex on the beach cocktails please"I told the bartender.
He nodded.
"How's our superstar"David said.
"Not a superstar but I'm good"I said.
The bartender placed to drinks on the bar.
As I opened my bag to take out my purse he stopped me.
"These are on the house"he said.
"Why thank you"I said.
I handed Megan her drink.
"Come one guys were going VIP"I said.
I walked to the entrance and gave my name to the security guard.
"There with me "I said as we walked in.
We found a table and sat down.
We had a few drinks and then me and Megan went out dancing.
I could feel eyes on me and whenever I looked at David he was staring at me.
I shrugged it off and continued dancing with Megan.
After a while I sat down and looked at my phone and I still had no texts or calls from Calum.
I ordered to shots and pushed them back as quick as I could.
I got more and more shots till I was well over tipsy.
I was dancing in my seat and David was laughing at me.
"David can I ask you a question"I slurred.
"Sure"he said taking a sip of his drink.
"Why do you keep looking at me"I asked.
He paused for a second and then answered.
"Because your beautiful"
I looked at him for a second and then burped.
"Ooops"I said giggling.
I could see my phone ringing so I answered.
"Hello"I screamed.
"Bethany this is Mike where are you"he said.
"In a club"I said.
"Are you drunk"
I then hiccupped.
"Anyways, we need you to come into the studio tomorrow "
He laughed into the phone.
"I text you the details in the morning and ring you when you should get up"
"Bye Mikey"
I hung up and then sighed.
"Whats wrong"David asked.
'Well I'm in a club and I'm drunk ,and my boyfriend won't answer my calls and won't text me back ,and I have to go to work tomorrow to top it all off and I know I'm gonna break down in the studio"I said stuttering on a few words.
David just stayed quiet.
I was about to order another drink when Megan came over .
"Oh no hunny you've had enough to drink, we're going home"she said dragging me up onto my feet.
I stumbled along with her to the door and we opened it only to be met with the flash of paparazzi.
David put his arm around my shoulder and lead me into a taxi.
The paparazzi kept taking pictures of us until we drove off.
We all crashed at my place with Megan and Troy in the guest room, David slept on the couch and I slept in my bed.

~Sarah ❤

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