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(Bethanys POV)

He kissed me.

I was slightly embarrassed.

He's famous now and has probably kissed thousands of girls and what if I was a bad kisser.

"I'm sorry "I said blushing.

"Why are you sorry,that was amazing, now come on in the car we're gonna be late"he said while climbing in the car.

I hopped in and when I was strapped in I spoke up.

"Where we going "I asked.

"We have a little concert to do, and then a meet and greet"He said.

I nodded.

"And you brought me why"I asked.

"I wanna spend every minute with you "He said.

The drive was silent but it wasn't awkward. He had Little mix playing in the background.

Good enough came on.

"This is my favourite song"I said.

"I knew you would like this song and I knew you would like little mix"he said.

"How'd you know"I asked.

"Please I know you more then I know myself"he said.

"Oh yeah then tell me some stuff "I said.

"Okay,You hate normal tea,you love nutella, your favourite thing to wear is a skirt, your very particular with time, you love Romantic films and horror films, um you hate milk and cheese,you love when boys wear beenies and smell nice,and you love to sleep and you love to eat food"My smile dropped at the last fact .

I used to love food.

When Calum left I got so depressed I didn't eat and I soon got anorexic.I'm getting better but I'm still not totally better.

"What's wrong,did I say something"Calum said.

"No,No it's just I was thinking of the stuff we missed in eachother life's "I said.

"I know but we're gonna make up for that "he said.

We pulled up to a concert hall and saw there were loads of fans here.

"Is this where it is"I asked.

"Ya,um you might wanna hold my hand when we get out, so we don't get separated "He said.

I nodded.

Calum hopped out first and opened my door for me and took me hand and helped me out of the car.

We were greeted with alot of screams.

Calum was gonna go straight into the hall but I stopped him.

"You should sign some autographs "I said.

He nodded.

I just kinda stood behind him and followed him.

I heared someone scream my name so I turned around.

It was a girl around 16.

"Bethany, omg your my favourite youtuber,can you sign this"she said holding one of my phonecases.

"Of course what's your name "I smiled at her.

"Talia"she said.

"That's a beautiful name"I said.

"Thank you "she said.

A few more girls asked me to sign some stuff.

While I was signing a girl's shoe someone asked me a question.

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