twenty nine

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"I can't believe you knew he was gonna ask me out"I said to Megan as she drove home.

She just smirked.

"Wait when did he tell you"I said.

"This morning during second period"she said.

"Did he tell you where we're going "I asked.She nodded her head smirking.

"Can you tell me where we're going".She shook her head.

"That's not fair"I said crossing my arms."But I can tell you to wear"She said.

"That's fair enough but since your not gonna tell me where we're going,can we stop in McDonald's"I said.

She rolled her eyes but smiled."Ok but you have 5 minutes"she said pulling into McDonald's.

I quickly ran in and got us each curly fries,a burger and chocolate chip frappe.

I went back into the car Megan spoke up."Aw you got me food"she said.

She took off and we went straight home.We ate our food and then Megan forced me to start getting ready.

"You start doing your makeup and hair and I'll pick out your outfit"she said.

I nodded .Altogether it took me about an hour to do  my makeup and half an hour to do my hair.I wanted to look good tonight.Maybe I do I feel something for David but does it really matter if I do.

"So if your done daydreaming you should get your clothes on cause I want you to take a few pictures cause you are gonna look hot"she said.

I laughed before putting on the outfit that she picked out.

"Are you sure this is okay"I said looking in the mirror.

"It's perfect "she said.

I nodded.

"Now take a picture"she said.

I laughed before smiling for the picture.

There was a knock on the door and I gasped and looked at my phone.

"It's 7 already"I said.

"Yes you took ages getting ready"she said.

I shrugged and walked towards the door.

I opened the door and David stood there wearing black jeans,a white shirt and a blazer.

"Hi"I said.

"Hey"he said biting his lip looking me up and down.

"Are you ready to go"he said making eye contact with me.

"Ya let me just grab my purse"I said.He stepped in and closed the door.

"Megan where's my purse"I shouted.

"Kitchen"she screamed from the sitting room.

I walked into kitchen area and saw my purse on the counter.I put my phone in it and closed it.

"Megan I'm leaving now I'll be back later"I said.

"Okay"she replied.

"Let's go"I said to Dylan .He took my hand and lead me out to his car.

We hopped in and he started driving.

"So are you gonna tell me where we're going"I said jokingly.

"Nope it's a surprise"he said with a smirk on his face.

I huffed and then we fell into a comfortable silence.

"You look nice tonight"He said.

"Do I not always look nice"I said raising an eyebrow.

"You do I was just saying-"

"I'm only messing,I know what you meant"I said laughing.

He let out a breath.He pulled into my favorite fancy restaurant 'Norios'.

"This is my favorite place how did you know"I said.

"You might of mentioned it at Megan's birthday"he said.

My mouth fell open.

"That was nearly a year ago,how did you remember "I said.

He shrugged his shoulders.

"I guess it just stuck,let's go in"he said.

I hopped out,David stuck his hand out and I grabbed onto it.

We walked in and a waitress asked us for our reservation.

"Um a table for two under West"he said.

She nodded and lead us over to our table.

I thanked her as she walked away and was about to sit down before David stopped me.He walked over to me and pulled out my chair.I smiled at him and sat down as he pushed it in.

"So how was your day"he asked.

"It was good,except for haven to wake up early,and then have to do school work but I then got asked on a date ,and I went to McDonald's so ya it was pretty good,how was yours "I said.

"Well I asked a beautiful girl on a date and she said yes so my day was very good"he said and smiled.I smiled back at him before and waitress came up to us.

"Hi my name is Liz and I'll be your server tonight,what can I get you"she asked taking her notebook and pen out.

"Um can I get Pasta Carbonara and a glass of sprite with ice please"I said.

"And what can I get you sir"She said turning to David.

"Can I get Lasagna with a Coke please"He said.

"Coming right up"She said before walking away.

We talked about random stuff until a girl who looked about 14 came up to us.

"Hi Bethany,I'm a big fan can I get a picture"she said.

"Of course you can ,what's your name "I asked smiling at her.

"Laura"she said.

"That's such a pretty name"I said.

I turned to David.

"Can you take the picture"I asked.

He nodded.

Laura gave him his phone and we posed for the picture.

"Thank you"She said hugging me.I hugged her back."Anytime"

"Can I ask you question"She said.

"Fire ahead"I said.

"Did you Calum break up"She said.I looked down before answering."Yes we did"I said smiling at her.

"Oh thank you,bye"she said walking away.

We returned to our food and then we started to leave.

I looked out the windows and cursed,

"What's wrong"David said.

"Paps"I said.

"I can keep my distance if you don't want them to take pictures with us"he said.

"No it's fine"I said grabbing his hand.We walked out of the restaurants and pushed through the paparazzi to get to Davids car ignoring all their questions.

New update yayyyy. David is played by Dylan O'Brien.So ya

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-Sarah xx

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