By The Window (Frerard)

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                             I read a splitting of the mind and my emotions are still not ok

imagine frank and gee from danger days but that's a high school au..kinda

and soz if there are any mistakes

He was the boy in the front of the class. He was the smart one, the one everyone loved because of his brain. But I was the only on to notice that he was extremely lonely. His eyes were dark brown color and his lips rarely curved into a smile.

The least I could say about him was that he's beautiful. Completely and utterly breath-taking. But he was also really thin and fragile. His cheekbones were sticking out and his ribs were visible every time he took off his shirt. He always said it was genetics and everybody believed him but I was the only one to notice how he never ate during lunch, he never ate during the breaks and he most definitely didn't eat breakfast or dinner. How do I know that? He lived next door and I could see his room form my own. Every single day he would do the same; take his meal in his room and throw it out the window to his dog, which lived in their back yard. Then he sat in the middle of the room, thinking and that usually lead to tears. Sometimes he screamed into his pillow an then fell asleep on the floor, curled up into a ball, still sobbing quietly.

I wanted him to notice me, I wanted him to want me just as much as I want me. So I started off slowly by sitting on my window, my legs dangling off the edge like I was ready to fall. It seemed to work because ever so often I would catch him staring at me instead of the wall. He had curiosity in his eyes, like he was wondering what was going on in that little head of mine. Like he was taking me for crazy but he still wanted to know why I sat there every night.

It was 00:06 and I had just sat on my window. I was late because of some stupid family meeting. Strange enough he was still awake; he usually went to bed like an hour ago. It was weird already that he hadn't gone to sleep but he surprised me even more when he sat on his own window, facing me. "Please don't jump" he whispered. My head shot up to look at him. Did he really just speak to me? "Excuse me?" I asked. I wasn't sure I had heard right. "I-I said...Please don't jump.." he stuttered nervously. Did he really just stutter? Did the seemingly confident and brave Frank Iero just stutter?! I was flattered that he even cared. "It's not high enough anyway" I sighed. "D-don't talk like that" his sharp intake of breath indicated that he was on the verge of crying. "I'm sorry, I upset you" I noted. "No it's okay I know you didn't mean to" he hurried to reassure me. "Why did you decide to talk to me? After all I'm the freak that sits on his window every night contemplating whether he should jump and end his pathetic life" I asked. He sighed. "I noticed you at seemed lonely. And I thought that maybe I can be your friend...?" he trailed. I looked away from him. "I have the voices in my head to keep me company" I said bluntly rubbing my knee "But thanks, it's true that I could use some friends" I chuckled. His lips slightly curved upwards and he lowered his head. I just the sad and cold Frank Iero smile. The smile made his face even more beautiful than it already was, if that's even possible. "You should probably go to sleep. After all it's a school night" I sighed. "But why are you awake then?" he asked obviously not wanting to go back inside. "I like to think a lot. For me sleep is a waste of time. I trained my body to think the same so I don't need much sleep to be well rested." I explained. Frank looked at the ground beneath us. "You're right I should go to bed" he whispered and his words were the last thing I heard from him that night. I think that a heard a quiet 'See you tomorrow' but it was probably a hallucination.

I didn't sleep that night. It seems that when your thoughts occupy your time it flies quite fast. I was ripped away from my thoughts when I heard a knock. "Gee someone wants to talk to you" I heard my mum's voice from the other side of the door. "Kay five more minutes" I mimicked a sleepy voice as if I had just woken up. She left me with nothing to do for five minutes. I wasn't going to change, I didn't care at all. Nobody paid attention to me anyway.

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