Cats and Kisses (Peterick)

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Patrick is half cat. 'Nuff said. ((idk how brendon's jack russel terrier is called so imam call him boyd))

Word count: 1030

"Pete, no"

"Pete, yes"

"Pete! No!"


This has been going on for half an hour now. Pete and Patrick had finally made an arrangement to move in together and up to now it wasn't really going as great as expected.

"Pete we are moving in tomorrow and if I hear one more time about a dog I'm throwing your shit out of a window and living alone!" Patrick threatened.

The topic of leaving Pete behind seemed to shut him up and continue the argument as a monologue in his head. He wondered why his best friend hated dogs with such burning passion but something in Patrick's expression hinted that now was not the moment to ask.

The blond, on the other hand, was worried like hell. Pete being, well, Pete, he could bring a dog home without bothering to tell Patrick. He suspected that if that ever happened it would end in blood. He couldn't really explain to Pete that he was half cat and he had cat ears and a tail and all that. And how ironic it was that he would be moving in with him the next day.

Mildly speaking, Patrick was fucked.


Patrick was ready to kill Pete, and it wasn't even week since they've moved in. In a way, Pete had acquired a dog for a week. It was Brendon's dog actually and since he was now far away, on a vacation, it was Pete's job to take care of the hell sent creature.

The little Jack Russel Terrier was running around in circles in front of Patrick's room, in which the blond had locked himself in. Pete couldn't understand how, not only Patrick hated dogs, but they seemed to don't like Patrick back.

"Boyd!" Pete called, rustling with the dog's collar. Boyd immediately padded over to Pete and wagged his tail excitedly.

Patrick emerged from his room the moment the front door had closed. He needed food and a shower. But first he took off his hat and set it on the coffee table, going for his belt. His tail set free and he got out of his jeans, now pooled around his ankles. His ears, usually neatly tucked under his hair and strictly under a fedora, were now pointing in two different directions, stiff from not being free from a long time.

Patrick took a quick shower, blow drying his tail and hair, and rummaged through the fridge. There wasn't anything particularly healthy so he just took out a tub of ice-cream and a big spoon and plopped down on the sofa.

He must've fallen asleep at some point because he woke up to the sound of barking and loud laughter. "Boyd! Good dog, now let's see if Patrick is up" Pete spoke to the dog and followed the barking ball of energy to the kitchen.

Pete?..Pete?.... OH SHIT PETE was all that ran through Patrick's head as the footsteps were approaching. He couldn't think of a way out of this. Getting up wasn't an alternative, Pete would see him sneaking out, so basically, there was nothing he could do.

When Pete reached the sofa he froze on the spot, his eyes widening at view in front of him. Patrick, with a strawberry blonde tail and cat-like ears, that were definitely not human. Patrick felt like there was Hell itself breaking out upon him. Pete's expression was unreadable, leaving the worst scenario to his imagination and all that he could see was Pete hating him, being afraid of him, not wanting to be his friend anymore.

"Look, Pete, I can explain..." Patrick tried to speak when he finally caught his breath

"No wait" Pete lifted one finger up to shut his best friend up "I'm still processing this."

Complete silence fell. Even the dog stopped barking after receiving a few hisses from Patrick. They sat like that for what felt like hours and during that time Patrick had accepted the inevitability of being left alone, like the freak the others thought he was.

Suddenly he felt a weight on the sofa, another body sitting. It took him a while to register that Pete was actually sitting next to him instead of running out the door, screaming.

"If you could explain" Pete peaked under his lashes "And don't you dare tell me that it's a Halloween costume because it's almost Easter" he allowed a little smile to spread on his face and gestured to Patrick, asking him silently for an answer.

"Well..I guess it didn't happen all of the sudden but at some point I found myself with cat ears growing on my head and a little fluffy tail. And here I am now, fully grown half-cat" Patrick sighed

"That explains why you despise dogs" Pete muttered to himself and Patrick stifled a laugh.

"So you're not going to run away screaming?" the hope was dripping from Patrick's voice.

"Oh you idiot" Pete smiled to himself and launched himself onto Patrick, who was still laying on the sofa, engulfing his in a hug "I never leave the people I love"

"Well that's a first" Patrick buried his head in the crook of Pete's neck almost dismissing the word 'love'. Almost.

Pulling away, their faces were inches away. People would expect to get a kiss in a situation like this but he definitely didn't expect Pete sneaking his hand up Patrick's back, patting the back of his head and scratching behind his ears. The blond purred deeply, leaving himself to fall in Pete's warm embrace. His tail wrapped around Pete, pulling him closer.

"Is that okay?" the boy asked smiling down at Patrick.

"Pleasurable enough" the blond teased, a loud purr erupting from the back of his throat.

"How about that then?" Pete pulled away quickly, and ducking to kiss Patrick.

The blond moaned, the sound complementing the purring.

And Pete really didn't think about Patrick's lips on his dick, feeling those vibrations on a more intimate level than just kissing.

And Pete didn't expect his fantasy to come true the very same night.

here's me making up for not posting for so long

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