Colours Blast (Larry)

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((au where everyone sees in black and white and the colours come like an explosion the first time you touch your soulmate))

((bit triggering, mentions of suicide but w happy ending))

Five years ago Harry thought that meeting his soulmate was going to be the best thing on earth. And it came as a shock to him to almost pee on a stranger and when he offered to clean the other boy up he was suddenly taken aback of the vividness of the colours that blasted around him. He was more than happy when he heard the boy, named Louis ('What a beautiful name' Harry had thought), making a comment about how beautiful yellow and blue look when mixed.

For the following few months nobody failed to congratulate them on finding their true love at such an early age. The boys stuck together at all times, they took every challenge in their stride, never worrying too much.

But when management came along they started spending more time apart. They couldn't just dismiss a challenge this big, they didn't expect that would be the rock that would trip their whole relationship. As the months passed Harry began losing colours. At first he would only catch a glimpse of grey or black and then the object would return to his normal bright colour. Then they started fading. As time went on so did the separation between Harry and Louis and so did the fading of the colours. Harry assumed it wasn't the same for Louis as he was always with his girlfriend Eleanor. They seemed so happy together, Harry didn't bother asking Louis about it, he didn't want to ruin the happiness the two of them had together. Sometimes Harry would lock himself in a hotel room on a completely different floor from the band only to yell in the pillow.

"He's mine!" he always cried

"She doesn't deserve him! He's my soulmate!" he would yell and would hit the wall until his knuckles were bruised.

The boys would ask and he would say he was working out too intensely. After a while they figured that Harry didn't want to tell the truth and they eventually stopped asking.

That's when depression hit Harry. The boy with the bright smile and the chocolate curls started smiling only for the camera. The tattoos, once so meaningful, he showed off only to distract the media from his puffy eyes and wet cheeks. He would take every girl management forced onto him without caring. Even with all those people around him, he still had no one. He had convinced himself that the boys didn't care about him, he didn't want to ruin the perfect image the fans saw in him. He locked himself away, hid from the world. He didn't sing with so much passion anymore, the songs he had wrote at 2am after a crying fit got rejected for being "too sad". There were no colours left in Harry's eyes and he doubted that there would ever be any colours in his soul again.

He had made a decision. If Zayn could build up the courage to leave then he could do it too. The only difference was that after his last concert Harry was planning to kill himself. 'Why suffer when you're only alive physically?' he had asked himself. So he told management, he arranged things and there he was, standing backstage ready for his last concert. He had promised himself that he would try to be happy just for this concert. So he made the best of it. He laughed with the fans, he jumped around the stage and sung at the top of his voice.

Since it was his last concert he decided it should be fair to at least hug his band mates one last time. It was Niall who came up to him first, proud to see Harry smiling so wide. Then came Liam who whispered to the boy how much he missed his real smile. And Louis was last. Harry had been admiring him from afar the past 3 years and he was still surprised how much taller than him he was or how perfectly their bodies fit. Harry was just about to let go of Louis when the smaller boy pulled him by the collar, crashing their lips together in front of all the fans that were filling up the stadium. Lips, salty from tears, moving in perfect harmony, just like three years ago. When Harry finally opened his eyes he almost fell when the colours blasted around him again. Everything looked so bright and for the first time in forever he felt truly happy again.

"Colours were lost without you" Louis whispered against Harry's lips and kissed him again.

And that night didn't kill himself, that night Harry stayed in the band and let them help him. That night his life turned completely around, and honestly, he wouldn't have it any other way.

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