Freaky Friday (Drarry)

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"Potter" Malfoy sneered as he walked past the Golden Trio on his way to his next class. Harry glared at him and quickened his pace towards the Transfiguration class. He wasn't in the best mood and Malfoy was draining his patience even more. Thankfully the blond didn't say anything else. The rest of the day passed in a blur of lessons and faces that Harry didn't bother to recognize. That was until it was time for potions class where the boy forced himself to concentrate so he wouldn't get another detention.

"I want you to make a happiness potion. At the end of the class you will have to test it on yourself so it better be excellent. I don't want anybody going to Madame Pomfrey today." Snape gave Harry a stern look and sat behind his desk. In the corner of his eye he saw Neville's panicked look and Malfoy's smirk. He opened his book and started working on the potion because after the last potion he attempted to make (it was a beauty potion and let's say that he failed miserably) he wasn't going to let himself fail again.

"Two more minutes" Snape announced rising from his seat and standing in front of the class. "Potter you will be first.". Harry clutched the bright yellow bottle of potion in his hand and stood in front of the professor. "Bottoms up" Snape said with a hint of mockery in his voice. Harry drank the potion in a breath and started waiting for the effects but he soon realized that there weren't any. "You failed, Potter" Snape smiled a bit at that and turned to the other students. As every and each one of the students failed at making the potion (including Malfoy) Snape dismissed them with disappointment. He had at least expected one successful potion from a student in his house.

"Stupid Snape with his stupid potions and his stupid homework" Ron let a few curses slip out and sighed letting himself get lost in the softness of the sofa. Hermione started murmuring how he shouldn't leave him homework undone and Ron started bickering with her. Harry had had enough of fights today so he say good night to his friends and went to his dorm to get some sleep.

There was a loud bang and Harry joilted awake only to be met with no other than Pansy Parkinson. "Wake up you little shit before Blaise tries to curse me again" she said laughing a little. "Get her out of here Draco, I need my sleep" the boy complained. Harry was confused to say at least. Why was he waking up to Pansy's face so close to him, why was she smiling at him and why the bloody hell was he in the Slytherin dorm room?! He pretended to hide his shock and rose to his feet. He felt weird, like he was suddenly taller and slimmer. He walked to the first mirror he spotted and almost screamed when he saw Draco's face instead of his. This wasn't right! How the hell did that happen?! And if he was here in Draco's body does that mean that Draco is in his?! 'Oh no, this is not going to end well' Harry thought as he put on the clothes that Draco had chosen last night as quietly as possibly left the Slytherin dungeon in hopes to see himself in the Great Hall. And just as he walked in he found himself being slammed into a wall and dragged to an empty classroom. "What have you done Potter?" Draco (in Harry's body) yelled angrily. "Merlin, Malfoy, I haven't done anything. I believe it's rather your fault!" Harry yelled back. "My fault? Why would I want to be in the body of a filthy half-blood?" Draco was about to continue when the door opened with a loud bang and Peeves walked in. "Ah I see you have both taken my changing bodies potions" he laughed devilishly "It's more successful than I expected". The boys glared at Peeves. That was maybe the only thing they had in common, they both hated Peeves. But their collective glaring suddenly stopped when Malfoy shrieked and jumped away from his body "Why, in the name of Merlin's beard, did you try to hold my hand?". Harry's eyes went wide with fury "I didn't!" he protested. "Yes you did!". Harry was furious. There they are, in each others bodies, not knowing how it happened nor how they are going to get back, and Draco was accusing him trying to hold his hand! How childish was that!

"Unless...that was the muscle memory taking control..." Harry though out loud

"Muscle memory?" Draco questioned

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