Mr. and Mr. Winchester (Sabriel)

215 5 0

Word Count: 2390

Based on "Mr. and Mrs. Smith"

Sam was out hunting for a vampire for two days already. The sucker was good at hiding and Sam knew better than to go look for it in the abandoned houses and fabrics. No, vampires these days preferred comfort and luxury, like they deserved it in the first place. The hunter was circling around the hotel of the main suspect when he saw him. He was snogging a chick, right outside his hotel room and getting dangerously close to her neck. Sam couldn't see if the man sunk his teeth into the girl's neck, all he knew was that in one moment there a scream and in the next the guy's head fell off and the weapon which killed the creature returned to the one who threw it like a boomerang.

"C'mon" Sam huffed to himself "Can't I get a little bit of fun here?"


Few hours later he was driving home, the radio in the Impala was blasting AC/DC, reminding him of Dean. His brother, who ran away with Castiel years ago, was now God knows where. But Sam didn't try looking for him, he knew his they were safe together as much as a hunter-celestial-being-of-the-lord couple can be. Instead he had looked for someone to settle down with. At first no girl liked him and that was until he realized that maybe it wasn't a girl that he was looking for.

And one night, at the bar, a guy with sparkling honey eyes, golden hair and too much alcohol in his blood had stumbled onto him. Literally the guy tripped over his own feet and fell into Sam's arms like it was some sort of destiny and in that moment Sam swore he felt Cupid's arrow pierce his heart, making it beat faster. The hunter had taken him to the bunker that night for some mindblowing sex and he thanked the Heavens that the guy was too drunk to notice that Sam was living in a bunker in the middle of nowhere.

Thank God the man, whose name was Gabriel, had decided it was really cool that Sam had a bunker and not a normal house. And thank whatever all-powerful creature there is that Gabriel had decided to stick around.


A year after their wedding and there he was rushing on the way home, getting dressed with one hand, holding the steering wheel with the other just so he wouldn't be going home on their anniversary soaked in vampire blood because apparently the guy Sam was hunting had a vengeful buddy that the hunter was left to deal with. Where was the machete boomerang when he needed it?

Maybe it was sheer luck or maybe it was the insane speed Sam had driven with but he had arrived home in time to wake Gabe up with cupcakes and a kiss to the lips.

"Sammich?" Gabriel mumbled sleepily, rubbing his eyes

"Morning, love" Sam put the tray with the baked goods on the nightstand and kneeled so his eyes would be on the same level as Gabriel's

"You look like crap, Sammy" the shorter man yawned.

"Happy Anniversary to you too" Sam rolled his eyes, though he couldn't help the smile that broke out on his face.

"I mean it. Have you slept at all?" Gabe was worried

"Of course I've slept. Like two or three hours." Sam lied

"You're like a vampire I swear" Gabriel joked hiding his face in the pillow, not missing the way his husband flinched.

He dismissed it, knowing that Sam didn't like talking about the supernatural, much more know facts about it. Gabe thought that he would freak out and leave if Gabe were to ever tell him the truth. That he had just gotten home himself and barely had time to shove his machete, with which he had just cut off a vampire's head, under the mattress. Yeah that would be a big dealbreaker in their marriage.

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