My Angel (Peterick)

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btw i wrote some waycest smut (i don't take waycest seriously don't hate me pls) would you like me to post it? COMMENT BELOW

Patrick's P.O.V.


"A creature like you doesn't deserve to live!"

"You are unnatural!"

"Go kill yourself freak fag!"

I tried to run away from the voices but I couldn't move as they got closer and closer. I recognized the faces of my loved ones, of the band, of my family. They were all throwing insults at me. Hurtful words stabbing me like knives. There was no point in running anymore, they got me. I turned around ready to face my destiny but what I saw was Pete's face, so close to mine. He was whispering repeatedly "Freak. Freak. Freak!" and finally he slapped me.

I woke up sweating, barely breathing and trembling. I hate those dreams. They are hitting on two sensitive topics. First my enormous crush on Pete and second the hatred towards my wings. Suddenly someone banged at the door and seconds late Pete barged in. "Trick are you okay? I heard you whimpering! Are you okay?" he rambled. I just nodded. See? It was just a dream. He doesn't hate you. I thought. "Are you sure you're okay?" he pushed. "Yes, I am fine, Pete, don't worry. It was just a bad dream" I explained. He sighed and stood in my room for another minute. "Do you want me cuddle you? It can make you feel better" he suggested as I thought about it. It might be risky as he's getting really close to my wings. What if he feels them through my shirt? What if he thinks I'm a freak? Maybe out of shock I'll blurt out that I like him. But fuck when Pete Wentz is asking for cuddles you say yes, dammit. "Yes, please" I made puppy expression at him. He smiled sweetly and lay down on the bed next to me. He didn't offer to spoon me, which was good. And I fell asleep in his arms, not a worry in the world.

Normal P.O.V.

Somewhere around three AM it started to rain and it quickly turned into a storm that woke Pete up. He was extremely scared of storms. He tried to fall asleep again but all he did was toss and turn. A lightning shot through the sky making Pete jump from the loud noise. Pete wasn't loud enough to wake Patrick up but it was enough to wake the blonde boy's instincts who were literally screaming protectpeteprotectpeteprotectpete. So Patrick's body reacted normally and wrapped two protective wings around Pete's body. The older man was too tired to notice that the thing wrapping around him was not an arm and fell asleep under Patrick's protection.

Pete woke up first feeling something soft brush against his cheek. He slowly opened his eyes, adjusting to the sunlight seeping from the windows. The first thing he saw were Patrick's wings. At first he was confused but then he realized he didn't really care if Patrick had wings or not. He loved him regardless. "Morning Pete" Patrick murmured sleepily. "Good morning, angel" Pete leaned in and pecked Patrick's lips. "Be my boyfriend, angel?" he asked. "Sure, Pete" Patrick snuggled closer to Pete not caring about his wings just for once. But Pete cared and still cares and never fails to remind his boyfriend how beautiful he is and how much he loves him. And from then on Patrick was Pete's little adorable angel.

*asks you to comment because all opinions matter and i wanna know yours*

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