Prophecy (Sabriel)

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Summary: The last time Gabriel saw Sam he was towering over the hunter. And now, years later, he's in for a big surprise.. literally.

Word count: 2 695

Years Ago

Gabriel held the remote over his head, refusing to give it back to Sam, who was stretching his hands, trying to reach it.

"Gabriel! Give. It. Back." Sam groaned standing on the tips of his toes

"No will do, kiddo. You know how much worse the headaches get if you don't get a full night of sleep." The angel reasoned, but Sam, being only a kid, didn't want to listen.

"But! Please!" Sam whined, finally giving up on trying to reach it himself as he obviously wasn't tall enough. His shoulders sagged and his lips formed a pout. Gabriel was standing there, looking proud because for once he had managed to resist the kid's intense puppy eyes.

"Sam, who are you talking to?" Dean popped his head in the room, gun in hands, just in case.

"Nobody, Dean" the kid sighed knowing Gabriel had zapped himself out of the room the moment he sensed the over-protective brother approaching. Dean let out a suspicious hum and slowly returned to wherever he was before. It would be a lie to say that he had started worrying about Sam but he took no notice of the alarm going off in his head that there was something Sammy wasn't telling him.

"Gabe?" Sam whispered, looking around.

"Yes?" he heard the smooth voice behind him.

"Can you help me fall asleep, please?" Sam used the puppy dog eyes to make sure that the angel wouldn't refuse but honestly, there was no need for that. God knows Gabriel couldn't say no to the little human when he asked for hugs. His little human.

So he made himself invisible to the human eye and cuddled Sam into his chest. In moments like this he was glad that Sam was a prophet, because being not-exactly-human made him the only one able to see Gabriel.

Years Later

Gabriel's heart was broken. He couldn't do this to Sam. But he had to, he knew it from the day he was assigned to protect the hunter. Seventeen years old and already a rebel against his own nature the kid had grown into a beautiful teenager, with a lot of potential to be a handsome man.

At first he started snapping at Gabriel. The angel understood it must be hard, having to deal with the burden of being a prophet, but he did his best to help Sam, taking away almost all the headaches, healing the boy after a rough hunt, dropping hints here and there to make the case easier for the brothers, though that last one, Sam didn't know about.

But then the arguments came, heated and violent, Sam blaming Gabriel for all the wrongs in his life, shouting how much he hated him, how much he wanted him to leave, it broke Gabriel's heart. The angel blamed himself, blamed his father and mostly prayed to whoever's name he remembered to protect Sam.

But now he actually had to leave for good and Gabe supposes Sam wouldn't enjoy being on his own as much as he had claimed during their fights. The kid was still broken, still itching for the next fix of Gabriel's sweet scent or the next light touch. And not only was Sam getting addicted to having Gabriel around but the angel was unwilling to leave.

The angel was pacing around the Winchester's motel room, waiting for them to come back. Knowing that Dean would go to some bar with John, he was sure that Sam would be alone for their talk.

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