A Fucking Psycho (Brallon)

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it hasn't even been a day since i updated what is happeNing

anyway this is based on 'psycho' by muse. hope u enjoy.

word count: 1402 words

Brendon was only 15 years old when they took him to the Academy. He had been happy that he was finally going to become a soldier and fight for and protect his country. But the moment he'd been strapped down to a chair, he knew there was something wrong. He'd scream and beg to be set free but the only answer he had gotten was a computer voice telling him that he would become "a drone". From that moment he only remembers something heavy hitting him on the back of the head.

Brendon had woken up in what looked like a military hospital, having no idea who he is or what was he doing there. They told him that he'd been one of the Academy's best soldiers and that it was a pity that he's lost his memory. "You could train me again!" Brendon had yelled in desperation when the Sergeant had started walking away.  The man had turned around with a mischievous grin on his face. "Better get started then. Get him in the training area. Call someone from the inferiors to teach him basic rules" he had ordered his soldiers.

Brendon was now 25 years old. During the ten years he's been there the Academy had managed to turn him into the perfect killing machine. Everyday he had to visit "therapy" where he was drugged to sleep and disposed of his emotions. Then was the special training. He was strapped down to a chair and beaten until he would manage to untie the ropes around his wrists and fight back.

The Academy had managed to brainwash him into thinking that he was doing good by killing. That was only possible by implanting fighting techniques in the place of his real memories. 

"Are you a psycho killer?" the Sergeant yelled, spitting in Brendon's, or as they called him, AK47's face.

"I am a psycho killer!" the boy confirmed.

"Are you a killer machine?" the man screamed "Soldier AK47 I demand your answer!"

"Aye sir!" the soldier yelled.

"Do you kill without asking questions?" was the next question.

"Aye, sir!"

"We've trained you well, AK47." the Sergeant concluded.

"Aye, sir!"

Brendon felt his face sting with the slap he had just received from the man. But he stayed put, not showing any emotion on his face. The Sergeant laughed quietly to himself, not being able to hide his satisfaction with the drone. He had created the perfect drone, made of human body and the mind of a killing machine. Able to hide and blend in and kill without mercy.

"Are you ready for orders, soldier?"

"Aye, sir!"

"You are going to go to the address implanted into the GPS of the military van and kill every inhabitant of the house that is built on that address. Understood?" the man was walking in circles in front of Brendon's hard stare.

"Understood, sir!" Brendon saluted.

It was a standard procedure to kill every piece of someone's past life. And in this particular case, the address was were Brendon's family lived.

The soldier got a team of drones, trained just the same way as him. The military van was extremely fast and the GPS was extremely precise. They were in front of the house within minutes. There weren't any subtleties as they arrived as loud as possible in the quiet of the night. They were trained to be proud of their position in the Academy. Jumping out one by one Brendon's team surrounded the house, blocking every exit, aiming at every window. Their orders were to keep the residents from escaping. Brendon's orders were to shoot at everything in the house that refused to join the Academy. He was going to kill everyone he once loved.

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