In The Heat of the Moment

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Lucy POV

His little peck on her lips was incredibly unsatisfying. Not that she, in a general sense, would want him to do any more. This was Tim. He-he'd trained her. They...they worked together. She teased him incessantly and he was...Tim. But she was disappointed in his effort. Fine, yes, as themselves, it was an awkward situation to be put in.

AGAIN, she was only concerned over the underwhelming quality of the kiss because, as ridiculous as it sounded, it would save their lives.
If he won't man up, I'll show him then, was the only warning her mind gave before she launched at him.

Her hands clinging to the base of his neck forced a gentle incline in his head as she made it easier to reach with hers.

Her lips were on his, active and...hungry? What? That couldn't be right. Desperately? Worse.
She gave up thinking.

The second try was the true charm. His warm lips came alive under her touch. She was losing control.

A shared split second for an intake of breath.
She didn't pull back.
Neither did Tim as he, in fact, took over and she began to lose herself in him.

Melting under the tender heat of his touch, she grew frightened. She wasn't fighting the line they were crossing and she didn't want to.

She had never been as equal parts embarrassed or relieved when Tamara walked in, forcing them to break the moment.

Okay, so his 'performance' was far from top tier. That didn't give her the right to pick on him. Was there ANY right way to approach this? He didn't know what to do. To add to that, he didn't know what to do with Lucy, UC extraordinaire. It was Lucy. He-he'd trained her. They...they worked together. He took pleasure in getting on her nerves and she was...Lucy.

He was certain that he'd never been more uncertain in his life. He just wasn't good at this, and Lucy needed to be able to face that. He almost wanted to ask her again, "oh, what, you think you can do better?" He hated UC, he wasn't good at UC, and come on, how would they ever convince anyone that they- HOLY MOTHER OF GUACAMOLE.

She was suddenly on him, attracted like a magnet. Hot electricity shot through the base of his neck from her fingertips, of whose placement he was acutely aware. Her lips were alive with a fire on his own. It took mere milliseconds for him to respond, to sweetly assert dominance and turn the forces of the moment against her.

The power shifted momentum, his hands were reminded of their capabilities and made themselves at home on the soft and somehow familiar curves of her body.

The moment of space where she could have easily backed out did not go unnoticed.
She didn't move, and he only found himself going deeper.

Their surroundings faded to a blur and the concept of how they got there was lost on him. He was puzzled when she sharply pulled away. It was like being rudely awoken from a beautiful dream as it all came crashing down on him with the additional registry of Tamara in the doorway, gaping at them.

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