Phrasal Deviation: "Professional"

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There was something about that night that was nagging in the back of her mind. For once, it wasn't the kiss.
It was still Tim's fault though.

Just before his sorry attempt to kiss her, while she was running away from the situation, he'd said, "Come on, we're professionals."

She'd said the same thing to Chris the day he screwed up.

The "professional" detail didn't seem to have any significant effect on saving or protecting her in any situation.

So what, did she just discount that notion from now on? She clearly couldn't trust it.
With that logic...say she and Tim were to explore their relationship beyond that so-called "professional" scope.
Could it-could it be something amazing?

It would be a mistake.
But why?

Uh-the job?
But that wasn't an excuse.

Giving up on that aspect, she turned her attention to the way the term rolled off of Tim's lips. We're professionals.
Apparently, they were professionals in screwing up the term.
What did he mean? They were professionals. Did he mean, literally, we're professionals? As in, this is part of the job description. Or, no matter what happens, we'll remain professional.
What did professional even mean? It was lost on her.

When she tried to be professional with Chris, she had gotten hurt. When Tim used it, she found herself in a melee of emotional upheaval.
Professional, despite its neutral connotation, was an unpredictable concept.

Her mind was upset with the idea that even the concept of a "professional setting" could no longer keep her out of harm's way or prevent drama.

Tim wouldn't consider this.
But she spent plenty of time doing so. After all, they still had pulled off a flawless undercover stint. That was considered a professional activity within their profession.

But what the hell did professional mean? It didn't mean anything as far as she was concerned.
It didn't keep her safe, it didn't line out the rules, it didn't solve any riddles.
All of which would be helpful abilities, especially when it came to Tim.

And matters of the heart.

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