How they became entertainers

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Ten years prior to the events of Dark kitsune: Heroic entertainer. Jaden: Hey, Yami what do you think we should do because I'm getting bored with playing sports and your getting bored with playing video games.

Yami: Well, I guess you have a point there, since there aren't that many video games coming out anymore it's been kind of boring and not to mention they shut down our online video games as well like Detective Canine vs Chat Noir.

Jaden: (sigh), Yeah. Just then Jaden had an idea that would make their lives more easier and more entertaining.

Yami: I know that look, what kind of idea do you have?

Jaden: Why don't we become entertainers.

Yami: Hmm, we'd be entertaining people more often and we would be having the time of our lives as well, however I think we need a third member.

Jaden: Yeah, but who do you think would want to join us because everyone at school wouldn't want to join us since everyone loves sports and don't really care about anything other than playing soccer and playing video games.

Yami: Well, I do have one friend who might be join us and he just so happens to work at a bar with your Dad.

Jaden: Hmm, Well I wouldn't know because I never been there and that is most likely because I'm not aloud.

Yami: Hmm, speaking of the bar, I think it would be a good idea to have our performances there so that we can attract more and more attention from the older audiences.

Jaden: Yeah but what about the younger audiences like the more younger kids.

Yami: Well, why don't we go and recruit our third member first.

Jaden: Sounds like a plan.

Yami and Jaden head over to the bar and Jaden's Dad allows them in.

Jaden's Dad: So what do you want, son.

Jaden: Well, actually I was thinking if we could perform here so that way we could make your bar the most popular place in town.

Jaden's Dad: Well, what do you mean by that?

Jaden: Remember when you talked about going to the concert, well I was thinking why not do one here in Tokyo since there's not many idols in town.

Jaden's Dad: I guess that would make my business.

Foxie: Hey, I'm back.

Jaden's Dad: Oh, Foxie could you come here for a sec.

Foxie: Yeah, sure why not.

Jaden's Dad: I was wondering if you would like to work in the cooking department today.

Foxie: Um, yeah sure why not.

Foxie: Oh, I take it this is your son.

Jaden's Dad: Well, yes as a matter of fact this is the first time you two our meeting.

Foxie: Hello, my name is Foxie and you must be Jaden, I take it.

Jaden: Well I uh.

Yami (whispers), he's a guy.

Jaden: Um, yeah that would be me.

Foxie: Well, it looks like I'll be able to cook today so what do you guys want.

Yami: How about like a Spicy tuna roll for me and what about you Jaden.

Jaden: Um, maybe like some tempura for me.

Foxie: Ok, will do. Foxie starts to grab some of the shrimp from the back and some tuna as well and washes it and then fries the shrimp to make it into tempura and then seasons the tuna with some spicy seasoning and cooks some rice as well.

Jaden: Wow, he seems like more of like the type that would be more like a wife type, despite being a guy of course.

Yami: Yeah, he seems like a perfect wife type.

Jaden's Dad: Well, he looks like a girl but doesn't really dress up as one but there was a time where he where he did dress up as a girl but it was for the festival we went to.

Jaden: Well, I guess that everyones reaction were pretty appropriate.

Yami: Well, more or less.

Foxie: Alright, here are your orders.

Yami: Nice.

Jaden's Dad: Hmm, although I do have one question that I would like to ask.

Foxie: And that is?

Jaden's Dad: My son was thinking that if him and Yami were to perform here then I would get more customers.

Foxie: So what's holding you from agreeing with him then.

Jaden's Dad: Well, he's still only seven years old.

Foxie: Hmm, I see so your thinking that if they had someone like an adult or at least close to an adult then you would accept them.

Jaden's Dad: Yes.

Foxie: Hmm, Ok then well how about I join.

Jaden's Dad: Wait you would do that.

Foxie: Well, the kid definetly has a good idea and if he needs someone that's old enough then I'll be the one that fills in that spot.

Jaden's Dad: Alright, then it's official, this team is going to be great.

Foxie starts playing the Piano and Yami starts playing his guitar and Jaden sings.

Jaden's Dad: Hmm, now to finally get this show on the roll.

The next day, the group was formed and everyone was having a good time since Tokyo had a new idol group.

Foxie: Well it looks like all of the people are here for our first show.

Jaden's Dad: Well, it is an important day since Tokyo has an official group now.

Jaden: Alright, it looks like it's time to perform for all these people.

Yami: Yeah, let's go.

Foxie starts to play the piano and Yami starts to play his guitar.

Jaden: Ladies and gentlemen, thank you all for coming, as promised we will begin the show.

Jaden starts to sing and everyone starts to feel comfortable and excited.

Foxie continues with the song and so those Yami to the point it becomes perfect.

After the show, Foxie and Yami along with Jaden eat.

Foxie: So, how does it feel to become Tokyo's idol group.

Jaden: Honestly, it feels great and I could get used to this.

Yami: Yeah, same here.

Jaden's Dad shows them the board of each idol agency and decides to take them on a tour across all of Japan.

To be continued

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