Next stop: Kyoto part one

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After their successful performance in Hokkaido, it was now time for the next stop and that was non other than Kyoto and the trio were very happy to be going there since it was the time of year that there would be a festival going on and since the music group from Kyoto was in town, this meant that it would be a match between Tokyo stars and Kyoto Sakura's.

Jaden's Dad: Well, it looks like you guy's are excited and it makes sense since there's a festival going on and there will be our first battle against the Kyoto Sakura's.

Yami: Well, since we are on a tour then that would mean that we would have a huge advantage against them

Jaden's Dad: Yeah but I have a reason for not wanting to be here actually.

Foxie: Let me guess is it because this is the same place you grew up with that friend of yours.

Jaden's Dad: Yes and not only that but she's my rival in a lot of ways.

Foxie: Well, let's see one she's the manager of the Kyoto Sakura's and as well as your rival when it comes to the most popular shop in all of Japan.

Jaden: Wait, you mean the same woman that you rejected.

Jaden's Dad: Yes and I don't think she would want to see me after all these years.

Foxie: Well, you never know.

Yami: Yeah and besides I think she forgives you as well.

Jaden's Dad: What do you mean?

Jaden: She's the one that told us to come here and we gladly accepted.

Jaden's Dad: Well as long as she invited me then I don't mind. After their talk, everyone checked into the Inn that they were staying at and made sure that they were safe from Jaden's mom.

Foxie: Well, I'm going to step out for a little bit. Foxie walks out and goes sight seeing when all of a sudden, he bumps into a bunch of small children.

Foxie: Are you kid's ok.

Mutsuki: Yeah, we're sorry.

Foxie: No, it's my fault but what are you doing out and about like this.

Mutsuki and the others notice that there sisters are not behind them.

Mutsuki and the others start to cry.

Foxie: Hey now, don't cry. Foxie picks them up and calms them down.

Foxie: Shh, it's ok. Everyone looks at Foxie and think that he's a mom.

Jaden: Wow, so Foxie really does have mothers love despite being a boy.

Foxie: Now what do you say we go find your sisters.

Mutsuki: (sniffle) Really.

Foxie: Of course.

Foxie carries them on his back and they go and find their sisters.

Foxie: Do you see them yet.

Kisaragi: No.

Foxie: Do you have a picture or something.

Kisaragi hands him a picture and Foxie recognizes the people in it.

Foxie: Ok, this is going to be useful.

Foxie see's one of the members of Kyoto Sakura's.

Foxie: Hey, um you wouldn't happen to know where I can find these kids sisters.

Souryuu: Where did you find them.

Foxie: I accidentally bumped into them and they were scared of being on their own so I figured that why not help them out.

Souryuu: I see.

Foxie: Well, anyway's I guess I'll be leaving.

The small children grab him.

Foxie: What's the matter.

Kisaragi: Please don't go.

Akagi: What seems to be the problem here.

Foxie: Oh, well it's not really a problem but it's more of like these little ones don't want to let me go.

Akagi: Alright, might as well come with us. Akagi walks towards the Dango place and walks in and the others go in as well.

Foxie: It's a Dango resturant but I wasn't looking for this, although I guess this is the place I wanted to try after I do what I need to do in Kyoto.

Kaga: Welcome back, big sis and who is she?

Foxie: Oh, sorry I forgot to introduce myself, my name is Foxie and I am just here to do some sight seeing.

Kaga: Hmm, I see.

Foxie: Well, I guess I've got to go. Foxie was just about to leave when all of a sudden, Akagi grabs his collar and decides to have him order something.

Foxie: I guess, I'll just go for the green tea Dango.

Mutsuki rests her head on Foxie's lap and Foxie picks her up and puts her on his lap. The other small children start getting sleepy and Foxie takes care of them.

Foxie: Gee, this is almost to good to be true. Then out of nowehere Jaden comes in and in his mind thinks that Foxie is like a mom in away.

Jaden: Foxie, what are you doing here?

Foxie: Well, I did say that I was going out for a bit and well it's a long story.

Yami: So this is the Dango resturant that has a similar level in popularity as the sushi bar in Tokyo you work at.

Foxie: I guess it must've been luck or something.

To be continued

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