The finals: Kageyama vs Tokyo stars

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Chase: Jaden, thank you so much for saving our friends daughter, I really appreciate it.

Jaden: Yeah, no problem but there's something that you need to know about the kidnapper and it's really important because there's someone trying to take your place as the music king.

Chase: Hmm, I see well he's going to have to get passed you if he wants to beat me.

Yami: Yeah, and if he does try to beat us well then we are going to have to show him what true power is.

Chase: That's right.

Foxie: Um, I hate to interupt this but there's something that you have to know and it involves Kageyama.

Chase: Kageyama as in the one that me and my team went against a few years ago.

Foxie: That's the same one and there's something else, he's not just going after your tittle but also the whole entire world of music.

Chase: I see, so what your saying is that he's a threat and wants to get his revenge on me after all these years.

Foxie: I'm afraid so.

Jaden: Well, it's fine because even if we were to lose then, Chase would be able to beat him without any problem.

Yami: Yeah, that's right but I really don't want to lose to a person like that and if you guy's need us then me and Foxie will be playing a new song so that we can beat him.

Jaden: Don't forget about me because I'm going to be helping as well.

Yami: Alright, then what are we waiting for.

The trio head off to the beach to practice and to also get ready for the tonights finals since Kyoto Sakura's were defeated in a pretty messed up way.

Jaden: Ok, I think that should do it.

Foxie: Good idea.

Yami: Yeah.

That night was the match ups everyone was waiting for because it was Kageyama's phantom team going against Chase's new team, Tokyo stars.

Kageyama's band continues to fire up the crowd with their passion and play amazingly well.

Jaden starts to sing and the other two start playing in sync and then all of them played with a much more powerful passion and the whole stadium goes wild after the first round.

Announcer: One point goes to Tokyo stars due to their incredible playing style.

Jaden: We got one point.

Kageyama: Heh, not bad I guess but we can do so much better than those clowns.

Yami: Come on, you guy's let's win this.

Chase: Hmm, their not doing half bad I suppose but Kageyama's counter attack will most likely start now.

Mizu: Yeah, your right.

Kageyama's Band starts with more passion and starts to over power the Tokyo stars but Foxie piano playing skills surprises everyone and counter acts the bands passion with his own and Yami somewhat helps but ends up falling short due to the lack of passion.

Jaden starts to sing but even still it's not enough and the second round ends in a draw.

Announcer: The second round ends in a draw due to the equal passion.

Kageyama walks up the stage and to do something no one was expecting.

Kageyama: Alright, how about we do something interesting.

Announcer: Huh! what do you mean?

Kageyama: Since both teams have the same amount of passion why don't we do something for tomorrow since both of them are out.

Announcer: And what did you have in mine.

Kageyama: A match between me and one of the band mates.

Announcer: A legendary leader vs one of the newer band mates. Everyone starts to cheer for the for it.

Announcer: Alright, the match will be tomorrow, Tokyo stars vs Kageyama.

After the show, the trio head off to meet up with their manager.

Chase: So, he wants a match between one of you but which one does he want to go up against so badly.

Jaden: Well, he's most likely going to want to go against me since I am the leader of tbe team.

Yami: Or he may want to go up against me since I have everyone on my side.

Chase: Well, either way one of you is going to have to go against him, so pick the best option.

Yami: Fine, it should be Jaden since he has enough passion to counter attack.

Jaden: Ok, thank you.

The next day, Jaden and Kageyama went up against each other and the match was a long one but in the end Kageyama's passion was just way too much for Jaden to handle.

Kageyama: Well, it looks like I win.

Jaden: But, how?

Kageyama: Because your passion is weak compared to mine.

Jaden: No way.

Yami: Jaden, it's ok you did the best you could do but I guess Kageyama was just to strong.

Kageyama: Chase, how about we end this.

Chase: With pleasure.

Foxie: Jaden are you Ok!.

Jaden: Yes.

Just then Kageyama sinced some overwhelming passion coming from the piano player.

Kageyama: On second thought, tomorrows match will be me against Foxie.

Foxie: Huh.

Yami and Jaden: Huh, why does he want to go up against you of all people.

Foxie: Sorry, but I think you already one so why don't you do what you want and challenge the champion.

Kageyama: No because I want to crush your spirit and show off just how powerful I am.

Foxie: Then why not go against Chase, I mean that is what this whole thing is about right.

Kageyama: Originally that was the plan but now I have a new target and that is to defeat you and rule the whole entire world of music.

Foxie: Yeah, but you said that you wanted a passion battle and Chase is the only one that can battle against someone like you that has the same amount of passion.

Kageyama: That's where your wrong because Chase's passion is so much weaker than mines and the only one who can give me a real challenge is you.

Jaden: Do it, Foxie and show this guy what you can really do.

Yami: Well, you should show them what you can do by yourself since you've been playing the piano for a very long time.

Everyone: Go for it! Everyone cheers on the piano player and Foxie sighs and looks back at both Mikasa and Chase and they two nod.

Foxie: Why me? but I guess I can't say no in this situation.

To be continued.

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