Next stop: Kyoto part 3 (final)

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Jaden: Alright, I guess that we will be performing tonight but are we going to be practicing with Kyoto Sakura's.

Yami: Yes, that's what he said.

Foxie: Well, if I remember correctly, they usually practice near the shrines which makes sense since it is Kyoto's most famous spot.

Yami: I see, well then let's go. The trio head to the shrine and noticed that there are a bunch of people waiting for an explanation from the manager of Kyoto Sakura's

Jaden: What's going on over here. Jaden talks to a random guy and he tells Jaden everything that happened.

Foxie: What did he say?

Jaden: Apparently, the manager gave everyone food poisoning last night at the festival and the people here aren't to happy with that so they decided to go to the source of the problem.

Yami: Ok, but why are they blaming the team for this?

Foxie: Because they think that their apart of the incident.

Jaden: Well, I guess that would make sense if that were true.

Lance: Everybody calm down and think for a sec.

Foxie: Who the heck is this guy?

Lance: Listen, Kyoto Sakura's aren't apart of that group and they play wonderful music to entertain people and no one would entertain people like them if they wanted to hurt their people. Everyone stops and thinks about what they did and walk away.

Foxie: Hmm, well that's odd.

Yami: What is?

Foxie: Think about it, the incident last night and the incident today makes it sound like someone wanted the idol group to be disbanded or just destroyed entirely.

Yami: Wait, you mean it was the same person that caused the incident last night.

Jaden: Well, that makes sense because there's no way in heck that the person behind this would just trip on accident.

Yami: Yes and not only that but why did your dad try to defend them.

Jaden: Wait are you saying that my dad is somehow involved with this.

Foxie: Well, think about it you know how badly he wants to defeat the phantoms and make sure that their dreams are destroyed and everything.

Yami: Well, that makes sense.

Jaden: But why would he do something like this.

Jaden's Dad: Hey, I'm back.

Foxie: Oh, hello sir.

Yami: Do you know anything about what happened yesterday when we were in the bath house.

Jaden's Dad: Oh, your talking about the commotion, well I wish I knew but all I know is that there was someone behind the explosion which sucks because the shrine was nearly damaged.

Foxie: Yeah, and not only that but we saw that all of the people were blaming the fault on Kyoto Sakura's who were playing last night which means that it couldn't be any of them and the manager was at the candy shop as well so it couldn't be her either.

Jaden's Dad: Well, then who do you think it could've been?

Yami: Maybe it's someone from Chase Matsu's team.

Jaden: Yeah but I thought that all he wanted to do was to rule the world of music and not hurt anyone.

Foxie: Well, that is a possibility sense all of the blame is being directed at the other idol group but who and for what reason would they have of doing something like this.

That night, Jaden and Yami went to the Candy shop and noticed that someone had already been there due to the note on the front door.

Jaden: Alright, it seems like a letter of challenge but who would send it and why is it one person.

Yami: I don't know but whoever this person is, will pay for making our allies look like the bad guys.

Jaden: Yeah, you said it.

The next day, Jaden and Yami heard that Foxie had went to the shrine to play his piano which resulted in all of the people coming to see him play.

Jaden: Huh, what's going on here?

Takao: Well, your friend's piano skills have gotten everyone to calm down and they're also forgetting about what happened yesterday.

Foxie continues to play the piano and all of the people feel more relaxed than usual.

Jaden: Well, that sounds about right, I guess since he played the piano after finishing up his work at the Sushi bar my dad owns.

Yami: Well, what do you say we get in some practice for the show tonight since it was pushed back today.

Jaden: Yeah, let's do it. Everyone practiced their skills for the concert tonight and even ate together.

That night, everyone got on stage and started to play with Jaden starting to sing and Foxie and Yami playing their respected instruments and Takao and the others did the same.

???: Alright, now time to attack.

Yami: ( Foxie, now).

Jaden's Dad turned on the smoke affects and Foxie snuck off stage and took out the mysterious person with ease and then the prime minister and his bodyguards came and took him away allowing Foxie to run back to the stage to continue his piano playing.

To be continued

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