Jaden Falls in love

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Jaden: Alright, guy's the finals are almost here and now all we have to do is defeat Kaegyama and his team for good.

Foxie: Well, I guess you have a point but who's going to be our manager since Kageyama was the one managing our band.

Yami: Wait do we need a manager to play in the finals.

Foxie: According to the rules, yes.

Jaden: Well, then I guess we're going to have to find a manager but I guess anyone will do at this point since it's been us making our own songs and playing to our hearts content.

Yami: Yea, what about the manager of the strikers, Chase matsu I mean he's not in the tournament.

Foxie: They wouldn't allow it since Chase's band plays against the winners in the tournament and besides they need him.

Yami: Yeah, I guess you have a point.

That afternoon, Jaden was walking around when he bumped into a random person.

Jaden: Sorry about that. Jaden extends his hand to help the person out.

???: n-no it's my fault for not looking where I was going. Jaden helps him out and realizes that he has woman like hands and his voice sounded a lot like his childhood friend.

Jaden: I'm sorry have we met before because you sound familiar.

???: w-well, you sound familiar too.

Yami: Oi, Jaden come on.

Jaden: Um, sorry I think I should go and see what my team mate needs but it was nice seeing you again, Hanabusa.

Hanabusa blushes.

Jaden: Wow, would you look at that, I was right. Jaden removes her glasses and blushes as well.

Jaden: Oh, here um I'll see you later. Jaden leaves.

Jaden: Honestly, I hope she's ok.

Foxie: Oh, I see so you like that girl.

Jaden: Huh, do you know who she is as well?

Foxie: Yeah and if I remember correctly she's only one year younger than you.

Jaden: But, how do you know her.

Foxie: Because she's the one that has a massive crush on you.

Jaden: Wait, the last thing I remember was that she was the feisty type and now she's all shy.

Foxie: Maybe she really likes you to the point that she stopped becoming feisty.

Jaden: Is that even possible?

Foxie: Well, it's some what possible but she really does like you.

Jaden: Honestly, I might as well confess my feelings to her then.

Foxie: Good idea but I think you should catch up before you do.

Jaden: Yeah, good idea.

That night, Hanabusa was kidnapped and everyone was scared since there was a kidnapper on the loose but Jaden and his team mates decided to go after the kidnapper since the police and the other bands were pretty useless.

Jaden: Alright, I guess I'll check this way and you guy's check that way.

Foxie and Yami: Got it.

Jaden: Come on, where are you Hanabusa.

Foxie: Alright, Yami how is things on your end.

Yami: Nothing unusual so far which means he probably went inside somewhere.

Foxie: Well, that would be impossible since all the buildings are closed right now.

Jaden: Alright, nothing unusual here either.

Just then Foxie noticed something from the ground and it was non other than the kidnapper's car but Foxie decided to throw a water balloon at the cars wheel and since it was the winter, the wheel started to freeze causing it to be stuck.

Jaden: Alright, now! Jaden kicks the kidnapper in the face knocking him unconsious and then finds Hanabusa tied up in the back seat but still asleep.

Yami: Wow, she is one tough sleeper.

Foxie: Well, why don't you go and pick her up.

Jaden: Right. Jaden picks her up in a bridal style way leaving the guy knocked out.

Foxie: Now, let's see here who would want to kidnap Hanabusa. Foxie looks through the kidnappers phone and realizes that Kageyama was the one that asked him to kidnap Hanabusa.

Foxie: Hmm, but why would he go after her and for what reason.

Foxie takes a piece of paper and the phone and sends it to the police station so that they can look through it.

To be continued

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