Next stop: Kyoto part two

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After arriving in Kyoto, Foxie decided to do some sight seeing and managed to meet with the idol group of Kyoto's, Kyoto Sakura's by helping some small children find their sisters.

Foxie: Well, I guess I found myself in quite the situation. All of the small children are asleep on Foxie and Jaden starts to laugh a little.

Foxie: What's so funny, Jaden?

Jaden: Oh it's nothing, it's just that you look more and more like a mom. Foxie starts to blush from Jaden's words.

Foxie: Yeah, except that I'm a guy.

Jaden: Well, I'm only saying it how it is.

Foxie: Geez, I know you see me as a responsible person but still.

Yami: Well, you have to admit he's not wrong because you literally cook for us.

Foxie: Yes but that's only because the last time I let you cook, you burnt the food.

Jaden: Wow, well it's not our fault.

Foxie: Yes, that's what you said before and guess who had to teach you how to cook rice all over again. All of the kids were about to wake up and Foxie calmed them down with ease.

Foxie: Wait, the festival is starting until six right?

Souryuu: Well, I guess so.

Foxie: Well, it's four now so have you guys had any dinner yet.

Mutsuki: Really.

Foxie: Yes, so what do you want me to make you guys.

Mutsuki: Can you make Omurice.

Foxie: Of course, what about the rest of you.

Kisaragi: Tamagoyaki.

Minazuki: Takoyaki.

Mikazuki: Takoyaki.

Nagatsuki: Tamagoyaki.

Fumizuki: Takoyaki.

Uzuki: Tamagoyaki.

Foxie: Alright, will do. Foxie starts to cook some rice and and scrambled some eggs to make the Tamagoyaki and then makes some Takoyaki.

Foxie: Alright, that's done so I'll do the same with the Omurice. Foxie makes an omelet shaped egg and puts on the rice before slicing it open with a knife.

Foxie: Alright, here you go. Foxie hands them their food.

Foxie: So, Jaden what do you want.

Jaden: Spicy tuna roll for me.

Yami: Same here.

Foxie: Alright, will do. Foxie ends up making a bunch of food for Yami and Jaden and then makes something to eat for the others as well.

That night, the trio went to the festival and performed and both teams were tied at a stand still which ultimately ended in a draw for both teams.

Foxie: Well, for our first battle of the bands we didn't do so bad but the festival is still going so why don't we go and have some more fun. Foxie noticed that the little ones were a more hungry and decided to make some Taiyaki for them.

The little kids: Thank you, Foxie.

Foxie: No, don't mention it honestly I'm glad to do this for you kids.

Jaden: Your doing it again, Foxie.

Foxie: Don't ruin the mood, Jaden.

Yami: Well, with the kimoto you look more and more like a girl.

Foxie: Well, it's not like I had a choice all the other things were either to big or to baggy. After the festival was over, the trio decided to hit the hot springs.

Yami: Well, it's coed.

Foxie: Yes, just try not to do anything perverted or anything.

Jaden: No promises.

Foxie: Well, at least try not to do anything like that. The other two head into the water and so does Foxie but then they heard a loud explosion.

Jaden: Hey, do you think we should check it out to see if anyone got hurt.

Yami: No, because if it was some sort of accident then we will most likely get caught up in the accident along with them which wouldn't sound good for not just us but the people as well.

Foxie: He's got a point, Jaden because if we get hurt we would be out for a whole entire year which is something that I'm pretty sure would ruin our chances of going to Singapore.

Jaden: Alright, but what happened.

Jaden's dad tells everyone what happened and they all react in a weird way.

Foxie: So, someone accidentally tripped over their own Yukata and that's what caused the accident.

Jaden's Dad: Yes and because of this, I had to make a tough decision.

Jaden: What is it?

Jaden's Dad: Well, it's more of like you guys are going to put on a show together with Kyoto Sakura's.

Jaden: Your kidding, right.

Jaden's Dad: Well, I wish I was.

Foxie: Well, think about it for a sec, Jaden.

Jaden: Hmm, wait if we do a show with them then our chances of going to the top and defeating dad's enemy.

Foxie: And it would also be a good show for our last night for Kyoto.

Jaden: Yeah, so let's go.

Yami: Well, it'll be tomorrow night.

Jaden: Alright but wait, how do they feel about it.

Jaden's Dad: I talked to their manager and they agreed with it so I see no problem with it.

Jaden: Ok, then that's what we will do.

To be continued

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