The start of the tour

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Now the beginning of the story of Dark kitsune: Heroic entertainers. Jaden's Dad: Alright, the first stop on our music tour is going to be Nara so I hope you guys are ready to perform in front of one of the biggest crowds that you've ever seen.

Jaden: Man, I'm so fired up because now we get to perform in front of the most popular part of Japan.

Yami: Well, not only that but I heard that the prime minister is going to be there for some important business, so who knows, we might actually meet him.

Foxie: Yeah, well most likely he's going to be a bit busy with his work but yes it would be nice to see him at the concert.

Jaden's Dad: Alright, this is where we will be staying for four days.

Yami: Wow, this place is amazing but why would they be interested in having us play in Nara.

Jaden's Dad: Because this is going the place that most idols perform in since it's such a popular place to come to especially for the holidays.

Foxie: Yeah and since it's a big night, we might as well try and do our best to not mess up.

Jaden: Don't worry, Foxie we've got this in the bag and plus it's not like we're going against anyone tonight anyway either so relax.

Foxie: Yeah but still technically we're not the only ones on a tour right now.

Jaden's Dad: He's right and it's mainly because we started early and because of that we have somewhat of an advantage.

Yami: Yeah but depending on how we do, the other bands could probably beat us or lose to us so let's make tonight the best.

Foxie: Well, before that what do you guys want for dinner.

Jaden: Hmm, I guess it would be new for me since we are in a new place.

Foxie: And that would be?

Jaden: Why not tempura shrimp with Tamagoyaki.

Foxie: Ok, I can make that and what about you, Yami.

Yami: Well, I was thinking maybe some spicy tuna for me.

Foxie: Ok, tempura shrimp and Tamagoyaki for Jaden and spicy tuna rolls for Yami.

Jaden's Dad: Well, I have some important business with the prime minister of all people so I'll see you guys in the morning.

Jaden: Alright, wait what!

Yami: Well, if memories serve me right then the prime minister was at the sushi bar on the day we first formed the band.

Foxie: Yes, oh before you leave here. Foxie hands Jaden's Dad a bento and it was his favorite.

Jaden's Dad: Wow, when did you make this.

Foxie: Oh, I cooked it this afternoon and it's perfectly ok to eat.

Jaden's Dad: Oh, why thank you.

Yami: Wow, you would make a good wife Foxie.

Foxie: Gee, thanks but you do know that I am a boy right.

Yami: Yes but the way you take care of us is almost like you were a woman.

Foxie: Yeah, except that I'm a guy.

Jaden: Well, we should get settled in now.

Yami: Yeah, I agree.

The trio goes inside the hotel and put away there instruments and then Foxie starts to cook.

Yami: I take it, your already cooking the rice for the spicy tuna roll.

Foxie: Yes, Yami. Once the rice is done, Foxie put's the the tuna on the rice and seasons it with the spice that Yami likes.

Foxie: Ok, now for the tempura and the Tamagoyaki. Foxie fries the shrimp and cooks the eggs to make the Tamagoyaki.

Foxie: Alright here is the Tamagoyaki and tempura you wanted, Jaden.

Jaden: Wow, thank you so much.

Yami: Yeah, same here.

Foxie: Well, the show doesn't start until seven and it's only five, so we have about two hours until we have to go on stage.

Foxie makes himself some sushi and eats and the trio start to eat their food.

Yami: Yikes, it's a little bit more spicy than usual.

Jaden: That's probably because you ate up all the spice that Foxie used.

Foxie: Well, it's a special spice that fits Yami's spicy personality.

Yami: And what do you mean by that?

Foxie: Well, the spice I used is none other than a  sweet habanero sauce.

Yami: Oh, so then it's not really the spice but the sweetness of the sauce.

Foxie: Yes.

Jaden: Wow, this Tamagoyaki is the best. After they finished eating, the trio went over to the stage and got set up for their performance.

Yami: Alright, it looks like it's almost time to start the show.

Foxie starts to play the piano and Yami get's his guitar out and starts to play as well.

Jaden: Alright, any moment now. Then out of nowhere a bunch of people came and to see the trio play.

Jaden: Alright, ladies and gentlemen, we are Tokyo stars and this is our first performance outside of Tokyo, so we thought that maybe we should try something new for a change and so we came up with a new song so we hope you like it.

Jaden starts to sing and the other two start to play their instruments.

Foxie and Yami start to play in sync along with Jaden's singing which ultimately ends with the crowd being impressed and cheering for them.

Jaden: Good night, Nara. The trio leave and head back to the hotel and then they check their popularity which ends up making them one of the most popular bands in all of Japan.

Jaden: Alright, we're in the ranks.

Yami: And not only that but we're next to the Okinawa sharks.

Foxie: Well, that's nice but I think I'll go to sleep.

Yami: Yeah, ok and the cool thing is we have four nights to perform here.

To be continued.

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