Next stop: Hokkaido

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Jaden's Dad: Good job on your performances, you three.

Yami: Thank you, sir and we hope to do the same in Hokkaido as well.

Jaden: Yeah, and not only that but hopefully I get a girl friend here.

Jaden's Dad: Woah, there son take it easy there, I'm sure that in time you will find the right person for you but right now the best thing that we can do is focus on how we will bring our ranks up so we can enter the Battle of the bands in Singapore.

Foxie: You've got a point there and besides at some point on our tour, I'm sure that you will meet someone that you will love and who will love you back.

Jaden: Hmm, well ok I guess.

Yami: Hey, no need to seem down about it, I mean we can still go to the hot springs here and have the time of our lives in Hokkaido.

Jaden: Yeah and who knows maybe I'll meet her here.

Foxie: Well, changing the subject, what would you like to eat for dinner.

Jaden: Crab roll for me.

Yami: Spicy tuna roll for me as well.

Foxie: Ok, and you sir.

Jaden's Dad: Actually I have a friend that I have to meet up with tonight so I'll be having dinner with him.

Foxie: Ok, so Crab rolls and Spicy tuna rolls it is.

Jaden's Dad: Ok, and make sure that you guy's rock tonights performance.

Jaden: Well do, dad.

Yami: Yes, sir.

Foxie: Well, first let's get checked in the hotel and then let's discuss what we should do after all the performances are done in Hokkaido.

Yami: Well, why don't we try seeing if they have something like a candy shop here and maybe help us make some dessert.

Jaden: Ok, that sounds like a plan, what do you think Foxie.

Foxie: Sounds cool to me.

After they get settled in, someone knocks on the door and it is non other than the Prime minister.

Prime minister: How is my favorite band doing.

Jaden's Dad: Well, we are doing pretty well, I'm actually about to go meet my friend but these three are about to have some dinner.

Prime minister: Cool, mind if I join.

Foxie: Sure, what do you want to eat.

Prime minister: How about some teriyaki.

Foxie: Alright, will do sir.

Jaden's Dad: Well before I leave there is something that I need to talk about and I knew that I would have to bring this up at some point but I think now is the right time to do this.

Jaden: What is it, dad.

Jaden's Dad: Well, actually it has something to do with your mom.

Jaden: Yeah, what abour her?

Jaden's Dad: Do you remember when you asked me what happened to mom and I told you that she was on a long business trip.

Jaden: Yes, what about it?

Jaden's Dad: Well, it's just that I wanted to tell you the truth for so long and now I finally have the guts to tell you what really happened between your mom and me.

Jaden: Are you going to tell me how you met?

Jaden's Dad: Yes, I figured that I would tell you the beginning before I move to the end.

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