At The Tree house [13+]•

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[This wonderful idea comes from my girlfriend ❤️ karm1_0 I'll probably make a better chapter later on that's uhm ✨️original✨️ but as of right now thank youu for this idea sorry I never gave credits before-]

[Noahs POV] I was sitting on the floor zoned out stareing at Mike he was just so hot and I accidentally zoned out staring at him then I felt a shaking "heyyyyyy Noahhh" then I snapped out of it "w-what" he giggled "u zoned out" he giggled again "staring at me" I blushed a bit "sorry.. I was just thinking.. but anyways" I said smiling a bit at the end "no no not anywayss I wanna know what u were thinking aboutt" I blushed but being embarrassed now "it's nothing important really" he rolled his eyes "I don't care I still wanna know" I sat there before mumbling "about how much I wanted to be fucked by u"

[Mikes POV] I heard what he said but I wanted him to repeat it u know for fun "can u sat that a but louder" he shook his head "no" "come on~" I sat on him and kissed him for a minute then pulled away and he was blushing then I kissed him again but a bit longer then pulled away "what are u doing" I smirked "oh nothing darling~" he rolled his eyes "yeah sure looks like nothing" I moved my hands up Noah's shirt and took it off then threw it onto the floor and he looked up at me finally putting the peaces together "we're doing what I think we doing aren't we" I nodded "good boy~" I leaned down and kissed him and he blushed and I took my shirt off and throw it onto the floor and he blushed more then I unbuttons Noah's pants and took them off then threw it onto the floor then continued to take off my pants and threw them onto the floor as well he was so flustered at this point that it was hard to talk then I leaned down and kissed him "u really lovey?~" he nodded "y-yeah"

after I said that I slowly started going into him I couldn't believe this was happening or how Noah is okay with this as he never seemed like the type to wanna have s^x but here we are-

[Noah's pov] I felt him going in and out of me slowly and I rolled my head back a bit I was still flustered as fuck I was excited but scared at the same time as I felt him going in again I let out a small moan I couldn't control it it just felt so good I moaned which again and I knew this was gonna turn Mike on more-

[Mike's pov] hearing his small moans were adorable it turned me on more and I started going faster and harder and his moans got longer and louder eventually I kissed Noah with tongue he moaned a bit into the kiss while I found adorable he was also just so hot it got kinda hard to control myself but I was still able to keep self control somehow-

[Noah's pov] he started going faster and harder and I started moaning more I loved it he was making me feel amazing I wanted more I started moaning again louder and longer now to he he was making me feel so... so... amazing I can barely put it into words I moaned again and rolled my eyes back a bit before moaning again I don't know how he knew how to get me to feel this good but he did-

[Mike's pov] hearing him moaning was so hot I never heard him making such noises I loved it not to mention everytime I went faster or harder his moans got hotter I wanted to hear him like this more often but I knew this wouldn't go on forever-

-they continued for another 3 hours before going to Mike's house and cuddling and watching a movie after this they never spoke of it again-

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