Date night

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Noahs POV- I got to Mike's house and knocked on the front door his little sister answered it "hiii.. who are u?" I giggled she's pretty cute, "hi I'm Noah Mike's friend can u go get him for me pls"

Mikes POV- I grabbed my phone as I heard a knock on the door then my sister answering it I kinda ran downstairs a 5 year old shouldn't be opening the door by herself even if it was for Noah I got halfway down the stairs when I heard her yell "MIKEYYYY SOMEONE NAMED NOAH IS HERE FOR YOUUU" I went over "heh yeah thanks Lizzy" i picked her up and kinda smiled "well I got to go now so why don't u go find Chris and go play with him okay" she smiled "okayy" then hugged me love u bubba" I smiled  "love u to sis" then put her down and she ran back upstairs then I looked at Noah "okay we can go now" he laughed "okayy" we walked over to the car and Noah opened the door for me I thanked him and got in Noah got in a few seconds after me (Noah is driving by the way) and handed me some flowers and mumbled something that I couldn't really make out but I didn't really care to be completely honest the flowers were also really pretty I leaned over and kissed his cheek then thanked him he was blushing a bit and smiled I also smiled

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