The next day at hell

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[Noahs POV] I seen mike standing on the stairs on his phone wearing a red hoodle and dark blue ripped jeans I came over my eyes still red from crying last night and im also wearing a gray hoodle and black ripped jeans and laid my head on Mike's back.

He looked behind him "oh hey Noah" he held my hand ".. u alright... u look kinda upset about something?" He couldn't really see my face by the way I was standing so I just nodded "yeah.. I'm fine" "u sure" he said putting his phone in his pocket and I nodded "yeah" I said "okay" I was silent for a minute "wanna skip class and go up to the roof" my voice was a little raspy and I hoped he didn't notice "yeah but" he turned around and held me against him "are u sure ur okay"

I nodded "yup" and coughed a bit "okay" he said and picked me up "h-hey I don't need to be carried" "to bad I wanna carry u" I was quiet for a second "I'm fine" he didnt look impressed "to bad I wanna carry u so ur gonna have to deal with it" I was quiet for another minutes "okay" he smiled "good.. we're u crying?" Well fuck "no no of course not" "well ur eyes and red and puffy like u were" I was quiet for a second trying to think of something to say "allergies" he didn't look like he bought it to much but sighed and said okay "can we go to the roof now please" he nodded "yeah sure" then kissed my head and started walking to the roof I smiled and laid my head on mikes shoulder

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