4 in the FUCKING MORNING [1 week later]•

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[Noahs POV] I woke up at about 4:17 this morning from a nightmare I sat up, hyperventilating and in tears until I got a hold on myself, told myself I was overreacting and looked at the time but I couldn't read it bc it was blurry since I wasn't wearing my contacts or glasses, gotta love having fucked up eyesight, so I leaned over to try and grab my phone or glasses whichever one I felt first.

Small problem with that, though. i actually didn't end up grabbing either bc im an idiot and I ended up falling off my bed instead- "OW-...." -I rubbed my head and reached back up hoping I could find one of the stupid things, i ended up grabbed my phone, then i used the light to find my glasses and put them on, finally some good fucking vision (the glass has finger prints on them) I then back onto my bed and turned down my phone light

".... hmm, what's on Mike's Instagram? " I mumbled to myself as I opened my phone and went to Instagram and saw another new picture of Mike, screenshot that, and added it to the camera roll To be clear he's not popular on Instagram so for say but he has a good amount of followers but im positive 90% of them are just girls from our school that have a crush on him bc he's popular at school but it's only for looks and the fact half the school has a crush on him (im 1 more confess away from beating people up)

I screen shoted another picture and continued to scroll down on his page.. yes I might have a small obsession with him but who can blame me he's hot as hell AND likes me back I know that bc he's constantly flirting with me NOT TO MENTION HE FUCKED ME AND I'm even planing on asking him out later today even though I'm scared to do it bc I don't wanna mess anything up.

I've been thinking about it nonstop for the past few weeks and I decided I'll do it toady.. not that I have a choice my friends, Tyler, Jason, Christy and sometimes Jackson, plus my wonderful sister Nora are kinda making me do it today, probably bc they're bored and want some drama, I rolled onto my stomach still looking at pictures of Mike while cuddling one of my pillows and pretending its himby. I continued looking at pictures of him, screen shotting them, and adding them to my camera roll.

I looked at the time and realized it was late, but I didn't really care, i was into this now, and who can blame me. Thats literally all I did till I heard the birds start waking up and cars driving by, thsts when I said fuck it, and put my phone back on the charger, rolled over, got under the blankets, grabbed my bunny (shut up) and closed my eyes, I just laid there till I got tired and ended up falling asleep.

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