In the bathroom

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[Noah's POV] I started to cry "I'm not like him I'm not like him.. I'm not fucking like him!!... and I'm definitely not gay... omg I'm such an asshole I yelled at Mike for no reason no fucking reason... I deserve whatever punishment my fathers gonna give me when I get home for making a problem during class" then I heard someone come into the bathroom and shut up "I know u probably don't wanna see me but" I went over to him and hugged him "I'm sorry for yelling at u it was stupid of me" he hugged me back "it's alright no need to apologize" "no its not I was just overwhelmed and and shit... u didn't deserve to get yelled at u didn't do anything to me" he shock his head "like I said no need to apologize u were overwhelmed and that's understandable ur not the only one who yells when their overwhelmed or stressed out" I was quiet and didn't say anything then he said "wanna skip the rest of class" and I giggled "I would but my dad would beat my ass if he found out" "then we'll just have to make sure he doesn't find out" he said "the teachers will call my parents if I don't show back up to class" I said then he sighed "yeah I suppose that's true" I pulled away "okay let's go back to class" he nodded "okay"

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