On The Rooftop

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[Mikes POV] I walked over to a hidden corner and sat down still holding Noah he yawned and laid his head on my chest "u didn't get any sleep last night did u" he shock his head "no" "why" I said "I just couldn't sleep" I smiled a bit "why not" he sighed "I don't know I just couldn't"

I didnt say anything for a minute  then spoke up "what happened yesterday... it's not normal for ur eyes to be red like that allergies or not" he sighed again "Mike I'm fine just tired" i nodded a bit "alright.. if u say so..." I leaned Noah up and took his hoodle off and puts it over him like a blanket he smiled "thanks.. but won't u be cold"

I shook my head "nah I'll be fine now go to sleep" he looked up at me "what" "u said u were tired right" he nodded "yeah... but we're at school.. I can't really just fall asleep" I rolled my eyes "yes u can just cuddle up to me like u always do get comfortable close ur eyes and relax eventually u'll get tired and fall asleep" he looked hesitant "yeah but what if-" "no what ifs buts or wells just sleep okay I got u" he looked at me for a moment then nodded "okay fine" then he cuddled up to me more and closes his eyes I smiled and kisses his head then starts running his fingers through his hair "have a good nap" I said whispering now

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