In the commons

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[Noahs pov] Ava is my gf.. I dont really like her to much to be honest she's ur usual popular girl that has all the jocks wanting her bc she's on the schools cheer team with blonde hair blue eyes and the hourglass body type all of andrew tates pets want [he doesn't deserve capable letters] which is incredibly stupid might I add but whatever.

I walked over to her and sighed "Mike told me u wanted to talk to me" she looked over at me "yeah uh... it's about a roomer going around... about u" I sighed again bc when is it not "ofc okay what is it this time" she didn't look very.. happy "apparently u like Micheal... is that true" OH.MY.FUCKING.GOD

"... what no I'm not gay plus he's just my friend why would I like him when I have a gorgeous girlfriend like u around" she blushed and smiled "alright baby just wanted to make sure" she wrapped her arms around my neck and I wanted to back away but didnt "can I have a quick kiss before class though" I put my arms around her waist and kissed her I hated it might I add then I pulled away "alright love well I gotta get to class now" "okay bye I love u babe" "Love u to" I started to walk away wiping my mouth when I heard her voice again "OH and can u help me with my Math after school today" lord this woman- "... oh I'm sorry I already made plans with my friends" I dont know if she wanted to beat my ass or cry "but I'm ur girlfriend..." "I'll just send u the answers okay I can't cancel last minute" I said kinda getting frustrated now "whatever.. love u" "love u to" and with that I ran off to class I'm so sick of her bullshit

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