In the bathroom after 1st hour

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[Noahs POV] I was standing in the bathroom and just thinking what would father do if he found out I MIGHT... MIGHT like Mike... I mean it's not like I can control it to much... but I have a girlfriend I can't just break up with her bc then father would be pissed especially bc she has money "ugh my lord I hate my feelings" then mike walked into the bathroom ".... hey Noah u good?" I grabed my stuff "oh yeah of course" and walked out of the stall "I was just talking to myself" "..alright" "yeah... but uh real quick question" he looked at me "sure what is it" "u and one of ur friends were together for a minute there... weren't u guys?" "yeah why?" "oh I was just thinking about it" "oh okay" I was gonna say something but decided not to then Mike spoke up "OH YEAH uh ur girlfriend sent me to find u... she has something important to tell u I guess" I sighed "oh alright. .. where is she?" I don't like her very much to be honest "in the commons" he said "okay thanks" I went to leave but stoped ".... so are u like gay or... N-NOT THAT THERES ANYTHING WRONG WITH IT I JUST WANNA KNOW" what's wrong with me "bi I think.. not really sure if I like girls anymore" "oh okay.. well I better get going don't wanna upset Ava" I quickly ran out not wanted to make anything anymore awkward

[Mike's pov]... that's a weird question... especially for him to ask of all ppl... whatever he was just probably curious I mean he's str8 and has a girlfriend there's no way he likes boys... especially me he only sees me as his best friend.. I sighed and left the bathroom

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