In the Office

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[Mike's POV] I walked into the office and sat Noah down in a chair "I didn't need to be carried" he said with a slight attitude and an eye roll "well I don't care, I don't want u walking around" I crossed my arms and looked at him. He looked back at me with that same slightly pissed off look "whatever" he mumbled as the school nurse came over, the most unqualified person for this job in my opinion "so what happened here" she said stopping next to me "I just got tripped in gym and hurt my ankle" he said glaring at me "okay do u wanna call home or just get some ice and stay here, ur ankle looks fine, it's up to you" the nurse said without even looking at his ankle [ah yes ice can fix any and every problem in the world (according to the school nurse)] "uhh" Noah started saying before I cut him off "call home so that way he doesn't have to put pressure on it" he looked at me even more pissed then earlier "I'm fine, plus do u really see my mom coming to pick me up over a hurt ankle, she would laugh in my face" I rolled my eyes and smirked "nope so that's why u just have of ur drivers come get u, then ur driver will sign u out and we go home" he sighed and looked down before answering "whatever" the nurse looked at him then me then back at Noah "so what are u doing" now she just sounded annoyed. Noah looked at her kinda pissed, probably bc she was standing right there "calling home" he grabbed his phone out of his pocket and texted someone, probably his driver, and I sat down next to him

-10 minutes later the driver gets to the school-

"welp time to go" he said standing up before I quickly picked him up "don't even think about it" I sternly he sighed "ur hurt there's no way I'm letting u walk" I said as I adjusted him "I'm fine" he said rolling his eyes and wrapping his arms around my neck "I shook my head and started walking and he sighed. I carried Noah out to his car and put him in then Noah looked up and pulled me in with him, I blushed a bit and looked at him confused "ur coming home with me" he wrapped his arms around me to hold me in the car with him and I giggled "okay" I said closing the car door. He laid his head on my shoulder and I laid my head on his head and he smiled, I smiled as well, he's adorable.

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