Chapter 1

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Hey guys sorry for not posting
I was busy but now  I'm not so  let's start
Once again sorry
Byeeee for now

Y/N's Dad: "Y/N, the guests will be here in an hour, hurry hurry" Y/N: "But Dad? Why are all those strangers coming?" Y/N's Dad: "Because they're important, and you're the daughter of an alpha" She sighed and nodded.

Y/N: "Huh...what should I wear...oh this!" She picked out a long, sparkly, green dress with elegant sleves. It looked something like this...

 It looked something like this

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Someone knocked on the door.

Y/N: "Come on in!" Her Mom stepped in.

Y/N's Mom: "Oh my baby is so beautiful! It seems like just yesterday you were a small pup" She had tears in her eyes.

Y/N: "Mom sToB IT" She hugged her Mom. Y/N's Mom: "Now all you need is your mate!" Y/N: "Why mom?" Her eyes very full of innocence.

Y/N's Mom: "Because honey, you need someone to protect you, and I want grand-pups" She blushed at her Moms words. Y/N: "Aish Mom, I have you and Dad" She smiled.

Y/N's Mom: "Yes Y/N, but we won't always be here, you know?" She nodded cutely.

Y/N's Mom: "Let's go downstairs honey, the guests will be here in 5 minutes now"


With BTS in their limo

Taehyung: "When the h*ll are we gonna be there?"
Yoongi: "And when the h*ll can we leave?"
Tae and Yoongi were not very enthusiastic.

Jin: "Aish, in 30 seconds, relax. And we can leave 1 hour later"
Taehyung: "I don't wanna meet some random birthday-girl!"
Jin: "You don't have to, you just have to show up"

Driver: "We're here, gentlemen!"

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