chapter 25

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Jin: "I know, right?"

Namjoon: "But look how beautiful she is when she's pregnant"

Yoongi: "That's very true!"

Y/N: "Hehe Aish your Appa's are so sweet and crazy" She said to her belly, talking to the pups. Jimin hugged her belly gently and snuggled close her.

Jimin: "Your Appa's loves you sooo much" He said to her belly.

Jungkook: "I love this belly sooo much"

Taehyung: "It holds the most precious pups"

Jimin: "These pups are gonna be so loved!"

Y/N: "They already are, and they're not even born yet"

Taehyung: "Our lovely, cute, sweet, amazing pups and Mate"

Y/N: "I'm a little hungry, do we..."

BTS: "WHAT?! Oh my gosh, quickly we need food, quickly!!!

Y/N: "Hehehe, calm down everyone" She giggled.

Yoongi: "But it's our duty to take care of you, you and the pups are all we have"

Y/N: "I know Yoon-Yoon, we love you"

Yoongi: "We love you 4 too!"

Y/N munched happily on her food and snuggled up to her mates and soon fell asleep.

2 months later

Y/N: "Namjoon? Yoongi? Jimin? Jungkook? Taehyung? Hobi? Jin? I need help, I can't get up by myself!" Her belly had gotten so big she couldn't stand up without help.

Jungkook: "Hi honey! I loooove you" He kissed her belly multiple times and held her hands to help her get up.

Y/N: "We love you too. I'm so tired, though"

Jungkook: "I don't think I've ever been more excited in my whole life! I've..." He got cut off by Y/N helping in pain.

Jungkook: "OMO baby, you're in labor! EVERYONE GET IN HERE FAST!!! We're gonna go to the hospital now"

Yoongi: "Aaarrgghhh I can't wait any more! I have to go in there! What if something is wrong?!"

Jin: "Woah woah, they're just doing a c-section, it's not dangerous" He tried to calm him down.

Taehyung: "But what If something goes horribly wrong?!"

Jin: "They're professional doctors and almost nothing can go wrong" They calmed down a little bit, to his relief.

A doctor stepped out of the operating room. Doctor: "You must be Miss. Y/N's mates. The surgery is complete and..."


Stay tuned to find out what happened

Bye my cuties 👋

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