chapter 2

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Hello everyone !
Let's start


Jimin: "Ooh I love outdoor parties!"

Jungkook: "Me too Hyung!"

Y/N's Dad: "Hello Alphas, it's an honor to have you here"

Namjoon: "Thank you for inviting us"

Y/N's Dad: "My daughter is somewhere around here, I'll introduce you later"
They nodded politely.
Y/N's Dad left to say hello to some others.
Yoongi: "Why do I have to be here?"
Hobi: "Because you're an Alpha too"
Jin: "Hmm*sniff* do you smell that?"

Jungkook: "*sniff* Yeah, I do. It smells like..."
BTS: "MATE!!" Their wolves kept howling.

Y/N's Dad: "Gentlemen, this is my daughter Y/N, she's..."

BTS: "MY MATE" Everybody's jaws dropped!

Y/N's Mom: "What? How can someone have 7 mates
Yoongi: "Dont tell me this little br*t is your 'MaTe""
Y/N's eyes teared up and her lips formed an adorable pout.
Taehyung: "Yeah, tell me about it Hyung"

Her eyes were full of pure sadness and innocence. Before anyone could do or say anything else, she ran away, back to the lake.

Jungkook, Jimin, Hobi, Jin and Namjoon growled angrily at Taehyung and Yoongi. Jimin: "I realize that you two don't care about our mate, but WE DO!!"

Yoongi and Taehyung kept walking until...they found HER! They stopped in their tracks and went silent. Y/N: "T-This is the w-worst birthday e-ever" She sobbed, wiped her tears from her chubby cheeks with small hands.

Y/N: "I-I wish I'd n-never met t-them, Mom was w-wrong, they d-don't like me a l-little bit" They started to feel a little guilty. They didn't think she'd be so pure.

Y/N: "I'll h-have to spend m-my life w-without my m-mates" Their cold heart warmed up and broke in half. They looked at each other and went to her.

Taehyung: "H-Hi?" He cursed himself for stuttering. Y/N: "*gasp* No no, bad man, please go away" She hid her face behind her hands. Her pinky finger was even smaller than Jimin's.

Yoongi: "Ehm... the others seem to like you?" Y/N: "B-But you d-don't" She was somehow so cute when she cried. Taehyung: "Please don't cry, please"

Y/N: "N-No, I won't stop until you say you l-like me" They both had panicked looks on their faces. Yoongi: "O-Okay okay!" Taehyung: "We like you, okay?"


Sorry guys 😭
No hate to anyone it's just for entertainment purposes
Pls don't hate me 😭

Bye guys
See you next time

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