chapter 21

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The ambulance came and they carefully got her inside the car, BTS all watching in horror as the worst they could have imagined was happening to their mate.BTS were pacing through the hallway outside the operating room at the hospital. Taehyung and Yoongi were freaking out the most.

Taehyung: "What if it's too late?"

Yoongi: "What if she's not okay?"

Taehyung: "What if she doesn't make it?"

Yoongi: "What if they can't save her?"

Hobi: "Hey hey, they're professional doctors, they know what they are doing. She's gonna be fine...I hope"

Taehyung & Yoongi: "You HOPE?!

Hobi: "Well, nothing is 100%, but..."

Taehyung: "No no!"

Yoongi: "Dont even say it!"

Jin: "Hobi, stop worrying them. She's gonna make it, our girl is strong"

Yoongi: "But she's so little"

Jin: "I know, but she's strong"

Yoongi: "But she's so pure...and so innocent and way too good for this world"

After another 30 minutes, a doctor came out of the operating room.


Doctor: "She is out of surgery but the next 24 hours are critical"

Jungkook: "B-But she will make it, right?"

Doctor: "We don't know. She's unconscious right now. If she doesn't wake up in the next 24 hours... Well, you can go see her now"

BTS barged into the hospital room and rushed to her side. Y/N was unconscious, but she was breathing.

Jimin: "W-What if s-she doesn't w-wake up? W-We can't l-live without h-her!"
Jin and Namjoon put an arm around him.They all stood there in silence a little while. They had never wanted anything as much as they wanted her to wake up. After a few hours they all fell asleep in chairs around the hospital room. When they woke up, only 12 hours was left.The Maknae's couldn't help but start panicking, and the Hyung-line was trying desperately to hold it together. After many more hours if crying, praying and begging her to wake up, the doctor entered the room.

Doctor: "Well...we have to unplug her life-support and..."

He was cut off my the sound of blankets ruffling.

Y/N: "Mmm...m-ma....m-m-mates..."


BTS: "Y/N!!"

Doctor: "This is an absolute miracle!"

Y/n :'Hmm...W-Where a-am I-I?"

Jimin: "OMO my Y/N, you're awake! You're alive! We've been so worried for you!"

Doctor: "Y/N, you're at the hospital"

Y/N: ...J-Jimin...Y-Yoongi...T-Taehyung..

Doctor: "Stay awake Y/N, stay awake"

Doctor: "We have to run some tests but you can stay in the room if you want to" BTS all nodded their heads.

Yoongi: "Y/N! Baby! Keep your eyes open"

Y/N: "Yoon-Yoon..." She smiled lightly.

Yoongi: "Guys! She's talking, she's smiling!"

Y/N: "Y-You're all h-here..."

Yoongi: "Of course we are"

Y/N: "I I-love you..."

Namjoon: "We love you too honey" He leaned down and kissed her forehead lovingly.

Namjoon: "We were so worried for you baby"

Doctor: "All done. I'll give you guys a moment"

The doctor left the hospital room.

Namjoon: "We should tell you what happened"

Namjoon: "You did amazing with the plan. Mr. Kim was the b*stard who took it out on you. But he's all gone now. Bangchan helped us"

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