chapter 12

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Jungkook cooed at and kissed her head. The door opened, revealing the other alpha, Mr. Lee.
Mr. Lee: "Ah, Mr. Jungkook, I see you've found your mate?"

Jungkook: "Sort of, Mr. Lee"
Yoongi: "Actually, she's all of our mate"
Mr. Lee: "Hm. Never heard if that before"

Jin: "Let's begin the meeting" He said, making sure Mr. Lee didn't say anything that could hurt Y/N.
Mr. Lee: "Yes, good idea, Mr. Jin"

The meeting went on for about hall an hour. Y/N quietly tucked on Jin's sleeve.
Jin: "What is it baby?" He asked.

Y/N: "I'm tired Jinnie, can I sit with you?"
Jin: "Oh sure honey, come here" He picked her up and put her on his lap like a baby.

Two minutes later she was fast asleep. Jin: "I apologize Mr. Lee, she was tired"
Mr. Lee: "Dont be sorry. I remember when I found my mate"

Mr. Lee: "It was the greatest time of my whole life. She's just as beautiful now as she was the day I first saw her. I'm old now and I still dream of the next day with her"

Mr. Lee: "Your mate is lucky, she gets 7 times as much love. Never let her go, boys"

Mr. Lee: "If I had a daughter I imagine she'd have been much like her" He smiled.
Namjoon: "I had no idea you love your mate that much, Sir"

Mr. Lee: "Youre gonna love her more and more every day"
Namjoon: "I hope you will give our best wishes to your mate"

Mr. Lee nodded and took his leave. Jin: "Look at this little baby, sleeeping like an angel" He looked at her, deeply in love.

BTS all gathered around her sleeping figure. She was clinging onto Jin like a small koala. They felt so lucky to have her.

Hobi: "Lets get her home" He carefully picked her up from Jin's arms and carried her bridal style to their car and went home again.


Hi cuties

Hope you like this chapter


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