chapter 16

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Yoongi: "Come here honey" He opened his arms. Y/N: "Okay, but I don't wanna hurt you" Yoongi: "You could never hurt me baby"
She carefully put her arms around him and snuggled up to him.
Yoongi: "Thank god we have you"

Y/N: "Thank god I have you too" Yoongi: "Good night my love"
Y/N: "Goodnight Yoon-Yoon"
Y/N woke up to find not two, bit FOUR arms wrapped around her. The first person was Yoongi, of course but by her other side was Jungkook.

Y/N: "Jungkookie?" She asked, sleepily.
Jungkook & Yoongi: "Goodmorning baby
Y/N: "Goodmorning, but what are you doing?"
Jungkook: "Well, I missed you last night" Y/N: "Hehe my silly Kookie"

Yoongi: "Dont get up yet, please please"

Y/N: "Dont worry Yoon-Yoon, I have to check your wounds and feed you and you're not allowed to get out of bed too much, you're still injured after all, okay?"
Yoongi: "You're so caring" He nuzzled his face into her neck. Y/N: "Of course Yoon-Yoon, you're my mate"
Jungkook: "Yah! What about meeee?" He whined with an adorable pout.
Y/N: "Hehe you're my lovely mate too"
Jungkook: "Yaai! Yes I am"
Yoongi: "Aish, I'm the injured one!"
Y/N: "Hehehe, okay okay Yoon"
Y/N: "Yoon, why are you in my bed, not yours?" She asked, curiously.
Yoongi: "Because this bed smells like you"

Yoongi: "It will heal me faster" He smiled.
Y/N: "Hehe, you're so silly. Come on now, you have to eat something, Bangchan-Oppa said so himself.
Yoongi: "Okay okay, don't be sad baby" Y/N: "Yaai!" She cheered.
Yoongi: "Will you feed me baby?"
Y/N: "Okay Yoon-Yoon" She said. Yoongi couldn't take his eyes off of her while she fed him the soup. Her pure, innocent eyes, her cute pouty lips, he loved everything about her.
Soon the soup was all gone.
Y/N: "You have to rest now, Yoon"
Yoongi: "Nooo not without youuuu"
Y/N: "I wasn't planing on leaving you alone, plus the others are working right now"
Yoongi: "Come here, I wanna hold you"

She jumped into bed in an adorable way. Yoongi: "I can't believe my mate is so sweet and cute and adorable and amazing and caring and loving"
"Y/N: "Aish Yoon-Yoon you're making me blush" Yoongi: "Good, you're so sweet when you blush" He kissed her deeply and held her tight. After a minute they pulled away and Y/N burried her face in his chest, listening to his heartbeat, careful not to hurt him or touch any of his wounds.


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