chapter 14

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Time skip
2 days later

Y/N was waking up feeling something heavy on her stomach. She opened her eyes and saw a huge wolf resting his head.
Y/N: "woah! N-Namjoon?!" He growled playfully.

Namjoon: "Goodmorning honey"
He smirked (Yes a wolf-smirk)
Y/N: "G-Goodmorning"

Namjoon: "You look beautiful in the morning"
Y/N giggled and burried her little face in his soft fur.
Namjoon: "Ooh my cuddly little pup"

Namjoon: "I see you like my wolf-form?"
Y/N: "He's sooo soft" She smiled happily.
Namjoon: "When will we see yours?"

Y/N: "When I've seen all of yours" He chuckled. Namjoon: "Haha okay, but I'm impatient. GUYS?!" He gathered them all in seconds.

BTS said Goodmorning, happy to se ether mate again. Namjoon: "Y/N wants to see all our wolfs, in exchange we get to see hers" They all chuckled.

They all quickly changed into wolfs, much bigger than usual wolfs, cause they were alphas. They're furs were all dark and soft-looking.

Y/N: "Woah! You guys are so soft!" She giggled and hugged them all. She realized they were waiting for her to change her form and quickly did it.

Her wolf was small and adorable, with big wondering eyes and fluffy ears. Her fur was uniquely white puffy. BTS: "Holy heck!" They fell in love all over again!
Y/N: "I know, it's cause I'm a short human, my wolf never grew very big, Hehe" She cutely ran twords Jimin and jumped into his lap.
Jimin: "Aww, Babygirl you're so enchanting" He played with her fluffy fur, making her purr. BTS: "Aaawww! We can't handle the cuteness!"

She changed back into her human-form. Y/N: "Hehe, you're so sweet!" She made herself comfortable in Hobi's arms.

Hobi: "We love you so much Babygirl" Y/N: "And I love you guys too" She said, making their heart flutter.



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