chapter 23

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Time skip : (your a/n is lazy😩)

The next morning

Taehyung woke up to a tiny snoring-noise. He looked down and saw Y/N in her wolf-form, sleeping peacefully on his chest. Taehyung woke up to a tiny snoring-noise. He looked down and saw Y/N in her wolf-form, sleeping peacefully on his chest. Her cute paws were soft and fluffy. Her ears twitched when she dreamed. Before he knew, he had been staring for an hour. He was completely enchanted by her. The others entered the room to see if she still was okay.

Taehyung: "Shh, she's deep asleep"

BTS: "Aaawww" They whispered.

Taehyung: "Look at her little ears"

Yoongi slowly lifted her up and held her like a little pup, careful to not wake her up.

Taehyung: "Yah, he took my pup" He whisper-yelled, sarcastically.

Yoongi: "Aaww our little puppy-mate, she's so cuuuute! Look at her small, little, tiny, cutie nose" They kept simping for a while until she woke up.

Y/N's big eyes slowly fluttered open.
Y/N: "Yaai! Mates! I like being held" She giggled and wagged her tiny tail.

Y/N: "I'm so happy to be here, with you"

Namjoon: "And we're so happy to have you here with us"

Y/N: "Hehe, I wanna be held by Joonie too!" She cheered.

They all chuckled and Namjoon gently held the small wolf.

Namjoon: "I love your tiny wolf"

Namjoon: "I know you have a small human-form, but I never thought it could affect someone's wolf-form. It's adorable!" Y/N giggled, and snuggled closer to his warm body.

He put her option on the bed and she changed back into her human-form again.

Jimin: "You're so cute in the mornings!"

Jungkook: "Yes you are!" He twirled her around before kissing her cheeks over and over again. Y/N giggled a loud, pure laughter.

Jimin: "By the way honey, we've been thinking of something"

Jungkook: "Yes. Considering what happened in the forest"

Jimin: "We...we wanna...we wanna mark you"


What will our little innocent y/n will answer

stay tuned to find out

Bye bye

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