chapter 17

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Yoongi: "I love resting like this so much..."
Y/N: "Me too. I was so worried for you last night"
Yoongi: "why, Babygirl?"
Y/N: "The thought of loosing you scares me"
Yoongi: "I'll never give you a reason to be scared again. I promise you honey. You're my whole world, my life"
Y/N: "You s guys make me feel happier and safer than ever before, you know? I need my mates forever" Yoongi: "We need our cutie too. Let's sleep"

MEANWHILE: With the rest of BTS

Jin: "Whats the plan?"
Namjoon: "It involves Y/N"

Namjoon: "Just hear me out. We bring her along without them knowing.
She turns into her adorable little wolf and pretends to be lost and asks them for help, thereby distracting them"

Namjoon: "Then, when they are distracted, we attack with more members of the pack"
Jimin: "Hmm...not a bad idea, Hyung"

Jimin: But what if she gets hurt?"
Jin: "She won't, we won't let them" Namjoon: "Hyung is right"
They coincided it for a few minutes before concluding that it should be up to Y/N. With that, they left.

They went into Yoongi's room, but it was completely empty.
They checked the living room as well, but there was also no one in there. They started to get a little worried. Untill they heard a light snore coming from down the hallway.
Taehyung: "Oh thank god, they're just asleep" He whispered, careful to not wake them.
Hobi: "I know right? I was a little worried"

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