chapter 24

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Y/N: "Mark? Okay. But how do mates mark each other?" She asked innocently.

Jimin: "' a dance?"

Jimin: "And then, when the dance is over, you will carry our scent...and pups"

Y/N: "wHaT? Yaai! I want pup's! Where do I get them?"

Jungkook: "Well, it's all part of the dance, sweetheart"

Jimin: "And then they will be in your belly for a while"

Y/N: "I love pups! They're difficult, but worth it"

Namjoon: "Woah, I had no idea you were this mature about pups"

Y/N: "Oh, I take raising pups very seriously, they need good parents. Mine are just extra lucky, they get 7 dad's who loves them 7 times as much!"

Jimin: "You seem excited, cutie"

Y/N: "I am! I get pup's AND my mate-mark!"

Yoongi: "Aww, I want pups nooooowww" He whined.

BTS: "Me too!"

Jimin: "I saw the cutest pups today, playing together" Yoongi: "I want our pups to have fun, not train all the time like we did" They all agreed.

A/ n : I'm pure innocent girl so....

Time skip :
2 weeks later

Two weeks had past, and everyone was so excited for the pups, not only Y/N and BTS, Lisa and Bangchan too. Bangchan was so happy about becoming an uncle, he kept checking up on her health, since he was a doctor.Y/N was sitting on the couch with 7 cute, clingy mates.

Hobi: "I wonder how many pups there are"

Taehyung: "Me too! Maybe 3?"

Bangchan: "Youre right, Taehyung, I just got the results"

Y/N: "Really? Yaai! OMO we're having 3!!"

Bangchan: "Yes, all 3 are very healthy"

Hobi: "Y/N must be a good home for them"

Taehyung: "But I still can't wait to meet them"

Jin: "I want our pups nooooowww why do we have to waaaaait for so loooonnggg?"

Y/N: "I feel the same way, and it's inky been 2 weeks"

Namjoon: "Haha, Aish Hyung is always so impatient" He chuckled.

Jin: "Yes, always when it comes to our pups"

Yoongi: "I haven't even met them yet, but I already miss them"

Y/N: "Dont worry Yoon-Yoon, they're right here" She pointed at her belly that was a little bigger (Cus wolf-pregnancies are different)

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