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Amamiya (Y/N) is the fearless and intimidating Student Council President of Mizo Middle School with a reputation of being a ruthless tyrant especially to rule-breakers. She had a deep hatred for delinquents and would ditch them...
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I groaned at the sound of my flip phone jangling loudly at the bedside table. I shifted my body to the other side of the bed and covered my head with a pillow, ignoring that stupid damn phone call. I just hit the hay at exactly 12 midnight after I finished the remaining of my student council paperwork that I brought home from school and I as hell don't want to be disturbed. At least, let me have some decent sleep for crying out loud!
I thought the ringing would stop after a couple of minutes, but the call goes on and on that it infuriates the fuck outta me.
A vein popped out of my temple.
"SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!" I screeched in anger and threw my poor pillow somewhere in my room. Next time I will put my phone on silent mode so no one had the balls to call me this late!
I begrudgingly kicked off the duvet away from my body. I violently scratched my head and irritatingly snatched my phone from the table. I checked out the displayed time on the gadget and uttered foul-mouthed words under my breath.
Who in their right mind would call at three in the fucking morning?!?
Only an idiot will.
May God forbid me but whoever this crazy bitch-ass person was, they'll be awfully sorry for waking my ass up at this goddamn hour.
I flipped my phone open and narrowed my droopy (e/c) eyes to see Mikey's name registered on the screen, adding more fuel to the fire. I mentally screamed in my head. Great. What the flying fuck was wrong with this annoying bastard?!? What does he want now?!?
Blowing a harsh sigh, I answered the call without using any flowery courtesies as I was already in my sour mood, "what?"
[Hey! Did I wake you up?]
I scoffed in ridicule and rolled my eyeballs. "Of course, you did. It's 3 am. What do you expect?"
He only chuckled at my sarcasm. [Oh, you're right. Since you're already up, would you mind accompanying me for a bit? I promise it won't be long.]
I fell silent and glanced at my phone. Not this again! Was this guy serious? He could've just disturbed anyone. There were a lot of people to choose from on his friend list. Like Draken or Takemichi. And yet, he still dared to choose me. The girl he just coincidentally met twice. Or was it thrice? Ugh. I don't know what this person's true intentions were or what he really wanted from me. He was so difficult to read.
[Hey, are you still there?] Mikey asked when he noticed I haven't spoken anything for a while.
"Yeah, I am. Why exactly me again? You could've just asked any of your friends, right?" I couldn't help but asked him the same question from the river bank.