FORTY-NINE: Meeting An Old Friend

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Author's Note: Cussing. Profanities. Spoilers.


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"THE EMERGENCY meeting of the Tokyo Manji Gang will now commence!"

Every member of Toman had been gathered tonight at our usual rendezvous to discuss the recent ambush caused by one of our potential enemies, Tenjiku. This newly formed gang from Yokohama was something we knew nothing about, neither its origin nor its background. It was as if they just appeared out of nowhere to sabotage us and face their mockery.

Ken-chin then called forth the First Division to come forward and explain yesterday's incident that took place all over Tokyo.

"The one who attacked us called themselves 'Mochizuki unit'," Chifuyu reported.

"Mochizuki unit?" Ken-chin reiterated with a quizzical look on his face.

"That's the team run by Mochizuki Kanji, the ex-leader of Jugem. They're probably Tenjiku's main force," said Smiley, Toman's Fourth Division Captain. His revelation stunned the others.

"Mochizuki? Do you mean that Mocchi?"

"Mocchi of Jugem? He's one of the S-62 Generation!"

"Their main force isn't just Mocchi," Mitsuya joined in, his expression was tight. "The Haitani Brothers are also part of Tenjiku."

This stirred another wave of shock among our fellow members of the gang. They mentioned the Haitani Brothers of Roppongi and how Tenjiku was formed by all the former members of the S-62 Generation.

Ken-chin cast me a side look and uttered, "Mikey, the other guys who got beat up all said that it was Madarame who got them."

My eyes widened in disbelief, reeling at the baffling news. "I see. The ghost of Black Dragon's Ninth Generation that we crushed years ago."

"Madarame's also part of the S-62 Generation," Mucho, the Fifth Division Captain, added.

"In other words, Tenjiku is a gang made up of the S-62 Generation guys, who normally wouldn't have to collude with others," I concluded as I now fully grasped the whole picture after piecing all the details together.

"Sounds like their grudge against Toman runs deep," Ken-chin stated matter-of-factly, causing me to sigh.

I balled my hands into fists and with unshakable resolution, I announced a declaration of war against our new adversary, "In that case, we're going to invade Yokohama next! I won't let us keep getting beat up! It's time for Toman to fight Tenjiku!"

The entire Shrine burst into cheers and shouts as every member of Toman rallied behind my fierce decision. The night air was charged with fearless determination and the promise of revenge. Deep down, I knew this upcoming battle would be a tough one just like we had with Valhalla and the stakes were high. Yokohama wasn't going to be a walk in the park, especially with Tenjiku now out for our blood.

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